Chapter Five

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Hey guys! So, the comments and votes and fans came through for the last chapter, so here's chapter five! And one more thing: You guys are amazing. Really! Every single time I get a vote, a comment, or an add, it puts me in a good mood :) I love all of my readers :) 

Remember... VOTE!!!! it gets this story ranked higher, so I get more views :) COMMENT!!! cause I will love you for just giving your opinion. ADD!!! cause that means you wanna keep reading :) 

Love Forever <3 Aria 

Btw, I know the beginning is lame..... sorry :( but keep reading! 


I woke up the next morning with horrible aches. I groaned. Today would be a really long day. 

I dragged myself out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Ethan sat at the granite breakfast bar, slurping a smoothie and eating a waffle. 

"Hey, Ally," he said, smiling. "Sore?" 

"Yeeeeeesss," I groaned. I slumped down on the stool next to him and took his fork and a bit of his waffle. 

"Ha. Well, you want some more info on your old pack?" he asked, getting down to business. 

"Whatever," I muttered. 

"Well, for one, the Queen vouched for them. They've grown smaller, and since you left, leaving a gap in the pack, they've grown weaker," Ethan explained. I smirked. Served them right for treating me like crap. 

"Their home territory has been infiltrated by rogues, and because of personal conflicts, they lost some of their best fighters to another pack," he continued. 

"Yeah yeah, they've fallen apart, whatever. When will they get here?" I asked impatiently, now taking his smoothie from him and taking a huge sip. 

"Well..." he said carefully. 

"When will they get here?" I growled. 


I slammed my fist on the counter. "Ethan! I can't believe they're coming that soon!" I exclaimed. 

"Would this be a bad time to mention that they're going to school with us too?" he asked nervously. 

I rolled my eyes. "You-You're just-Ethan, you're impossible!" I said, trying to be angry with him, but mostly failing, because it's really hard to be mad at your best friend. 

He grinned cockily. "Yes, I'm impossible to hate, Ally. You know you loooove me!" he teased. 

"Shuddup. I'm going back to my room," I grumbled. And I did. I spent my last day before Blue Star got here in my room, watching TV, and texting Kris- who wasn't home because her parents had roped her into visiting her crazy great aunt. Ethan knew I needed my space, so he didn't bother me all day, except to bring me food. 

Which was just what I needed. 


After my lazy day yesterday, I was completley ready for Blue Star's arrival. As far as I knew, they didn't know this was my pack, so I spent a good hour looking as different as I could from my old self. I carefully styled some loose, flirty waves, and applied my makeup, using about twenty tips from Seventeen. I slipped on my favorite acid-wash ripped skinny jeans, some brick red combat boots, and a white tank top with thin colored stripes and a sleeveless faded jean vest. I had to say, I looked pretty good. Not at all the shy, sweet girl I used to be. I grinned when my favorite song, Don't Hold Your Breath, came on. It was pretty much my life right now. If Jason couldn't see what a dumbass he had been two years ago to reject me, he was blind.

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