Final Author's Note

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  • Dedicated to to all my amazing readers <3

Hey guys,

Well, I didn't really want to attach this at the beginning or end of the final chapter, so I'm just making it seperate....

I just wanted to thank each and every single one of you, my amazing readers that keep me writing. Without you, there is no me. I'm so thankful for every comment, every vote, and every fan. I read every single one of your comments and messages. You guys make me smile, and I'm so lucky to have such great readers that support me. If you're reading this, I love you so much, because you stuck out to the end. I really love you guys <3 

I also wanted to say that I'm sad to see this book come to a close. It really brought me into the Watty world and I learned what it meant to be a writer. Your comments help me be a better writer, which brings you a better story. But I'm also happy. This is the first story I've ever, ever finished, and I'm so proud to say that I've done it. Repeat: I love you guys so much <3 

I'm also really excited for the start of my next book, Don't Forget. It's the second book in the Don't Hold Your Breath series (needs a better series name... sorry, I'm working on it), and it's still in Alyssa's POV. If you've read the last chapter, you might have a clue to what's going on. It'll be a more serious book, but a little teaser just for you guys- and for me, a teaser is me throwing out random words that are part of the story line. So here are three!




Go ahead and speculate all you want :) I know it's not much. Another thing. In the next few weeks, my calender is going to fill up a lot more then normal. I have a lot going on in my outside life. And I need to focus more on my schoolwork, as my report card this trimester was mediocre, and I know I could have done better. School comes first, sorry :( 

I don't know when I'm going to start Don't Forget, but hopefully soon. I'll make sure to keep you updated on my profile, so just click that fan button if you wanna get a notification :) 

I love you all, so much. Really. If I could meet each and every single one of you, I could give you a hug, and that's saying alot, because I don't really like hugs- my time limit for a hug is three seconds unless it's like super emotional. Anyway.... 

Plan on reading Don't Forget? What do you think is gonna happen to Alyssa now? What do you think of the ending of the story? What did you think of the book? 

Lemme know in the comments below! 

LOVE FOREVER, and Bye for now,

ARI <3 

P.S. Comment below if you'd like a dedication in Don't Forget! :) 

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