Chapter 11 - Thoughts and Proposal

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CHAPTER 11 - Thoughts and Proposal


It was late at night. The group had an amazing night together; catching up on old stories, learning about new ones, an overall fun night.

After a long day for Ash's Pokemon, they finally had time to relax and sleep, whereas the other Pokemon were chasing each other about, after dinner. Every Pokemon were now asleep in the lounge room. Some were on the couch, some were on the carpet, and some didn't care where they slept, even if it was under the table.

There was something in particular which didn't feel right to Serena, that night. It took her a while, but she finally found what it was. Ash wasn't his normal self; he didn't really participate in any of the conversations that were being held. She noticed that he looked lost in thought most of the time, like he was trying to find an answer. An answer for a question that only he could figure out himself.

The honey-blonde was inside the bathroom, dressed in her pyjamas, preparing herself for bed. Suddenly, the thought of Pokemon Contests crossed her mind, making her look up from the sink and stare into the bathroom mirror, in front of her. She looked deep into the reflection of her ocean-blue eyes.

"Contests, huh...?" she muttered to herself. Little to her knowledge, Ash was right outside of the bathroom, inside his bed wear, and heard what she had just said. The letter that was in the trophy was tightly gripped in his hand.

"Did Brock tell you about Pokemon Contests?" Ash asked as appeared in front of the open door of the bathroom. This seemed to startle Serena as she jumped on the spot, causing Ash to chuckle, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, hey Ash. That's okay. And yeah, Brock told me about Pokemon Contests when we were preparing dinner. It's just something that only crossed my mind once or twice," she responded, before wiping her face with a towel.

"Is it something you would consider?" Ash started to slightly scrunch the letter in his hand without noticing it. Serena shifted her vision down to her feet as she thought about his question. It was something she did consider after researching about it. The style of contests seemed all too similar to performances. There was one difference, however. That was the battle aspect of contests.

"I don't know if I'm up for it, though..." she softly spoke to Ash's surprise. It felt as if his instincts kicked in, telling him to talk to her about it. He decided it was the right thing to do and so, he stuffed the letter inside his pocket , "Do you want to talk about it? Like, outside?"

Serena changed her vision from the ground to the boy, standing in front of her. "Sure," she nodded, before they both left to the back porch. It almost felt like déjà vu to the both of them. The night before, they were both outside, in the night, talking to each other about their problems. They felt so at peace, talking to the other.

"Why don't you think you're up for doing Pokemon Contests?" Ash asked as they both took their seats. The honey-blonde placed both hands on her lap, fiddling with her thumbs.

"Well... I searched it up and I found out there was a battling part to it." Serena's explanation was cut short as Ash interrupted, surprised as to why Serena would worry about that.

"Are you serious? Serena, you're a great battler! How could you doubt yourself like that? Plus, the battling itself, isn't that important at all. It's about the moves that you compose into it and make them shine above the rest; that's the important part to Pokemon Contests," Ash explained.

"Really," Serena asked.

"Yeah, of course! I've been in a few Pokemon Contests, myself. That didn't work out so well since my battling was fine, but the flashy moves factored more into it, which was what I didn't have," Ash recalled, "You will be great in Pokemon Contests."

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