chapter one

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"Look its four eyes the geek" some kid taunts as I was walking by. I kept walking hoping on everything they weren't talking about me, even though I knew they were.

Then all of a sudden I was falling, dropping everything as I come face to face with the ground.
"Ahh" I yelled as I fell protecting my face and glasses. I tried to get up and gathered my stuff trying hard not to cry, but I felt the tears pooling up in my eyes.

"Why are you so mean " I tried yelling at them as the whole hallway started to laugh, but it came out as a barely audible wissper.

"What's that 4-eyes speak louder"

Oh god, it was just a dream ,not a dream...a nightmare.

My hands were all clamy and I felt hot even though it was the middle of winter in Gothem.  I went to go take a shower to try to clear my head. I was always bullied as a kid, but that was an old chapter of my life.Today was a start of a new chapter, where I would be respected because of my knowledge.....not taunted.

I had just got accepted to my dream job at Arkham Asylum for the criminally insane.The brain of sycopaths and cereal killers had always fasinated me ever since I was a little girl.

*Time skip*

As I walked into the asylum I noticed how dreary it looked.

"Hello Dr.Quinnzel my name is Dr.Joan LeLand, I'll be giving you the tour of Arkham"

"Hi Dr.LeLand nice to meet you,and please call me Harleen" I replied with my heavy newyork accent while I stick out my hand to give her a hand shake.
"I assume that someone at your knowledge level already knows that we hold all type of criminals here, men, woman, various highprofile cases, and one in perticular is a frequent here at Arkham."
"Who might that be?" I asked suddenly very intrigued by what she has just said.

"Why, the joker, the clown prince of crime himself. I assume you must have heard of him''
Of course I've heard of him. One of the most infamous killers of Gotham, batmans worst enemy...and the person on the top of my list of people I want to meet.
"Oh yes,of course" I simply replied.
As we walked down the hall of endless glass cells I thought about what I would do if I got the Joker as my patient. Until one cell caught my eye, has I walked by all I saw was a blure of green orange. So I turned around and walked towards that cell,the Jokers cell.

"Where are you going asked Dr.LeLand, but I wasn't paying her any mind.
"I have a question." I  asked Dr.LeLand  

"Sure what is it Harleen?"

"Does the Joker have a phycologist?" I asked.

" he was just admitted ,why do you ask?".  

"Because I would like to interveiw him."

"Interveiw him,for what?" she scoffed at my statement.

"Well Im writing a book on the criminal mind, and I would like to include him in it." I responded.

"Well miss Harleen, I'm not undermining your abilities, but I don't think anyone can be prepared to even be in the same room as him."

"Believe me miss I am ready, please just give me a chance."

"No miss. Harleen I don't think anyone is ready for that man, he is the only man in this world that is incurable. He is the biggiest liar, and one of the most deceitful, untrustworthy man, that has ever lived."

But I knew that she was wrong. The Joker is human, and all humans were curable. I had just accepted my challenge ...and unknowingly set the first few blocks for something that nobody could have for shadowed, not even the Joker himself.

***authors note***

Hey to anybody who decides to read this I just wana say thank you and that I know this chapter was alittle boring ,but there is a whole lot more insanity to come  💜💚💜💚

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