chapter thirteen

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---"I love you harley"---

I didnt know what to do so I just kissed her again

----later that night harly's pov---

Ivy was asleep and I needed to do something.I slipped on my shoes and tip toed out the door. I needed to tell J that I needed a break but if I call from reds house he could track my phone,so I needed to find the nearest pay phone so I could call him.

It took me a half hour to find a pay phone but when I did I immediately dialed J's number.

It rang twice before he picked it up.

"Who the fûck is this,and what do you want"

"Puddin its me,listen. Dont be mad but I think I need a break. Maybe a month or two " 

"What do you mean, break" he asked in a agitated voice

"I just need some time to myself,just for a little bit okay?"

"Fine" he said right before he hung up.

---jokers pov---

I was to hard on her. I shouldn't have done it now she wants to leave me.

I didnt know what to do,I got up and started throwing things around.When I couldn't break anything else I sat down .


The door opened and my most valued henchman stepped in.

"Yes boss"

"Get someone clean this up and replace it with the exact same things"

"Yes boss,right away"

Im gana lose her and its all my fault.


i know its a short chapter but its more of a filler 

and i just wana thank you all i wasnt expexted to get to almost 300 veiws 😅😌😅😌

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