chapter four

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Ever since our "session" were Mista.J called me spiecial in his own beutiful way ,we have been opening up to eachother alot.I believe I see progress in correcting is state of mind. He's even told me about his childhood.

***flash back***

"So ..mistaJ w-what was your childhood like ?" I asked knowing that it was a question he wouldn't like,but a very important one for understanding why he is the way he is today.

"Well my dear harley.Whenever people are stupid enough to ask me that,I tell them a different story that of what I told the last person.Then I kill them." I felt fear I knew I shouldn't have asked him that,it's to soon.

"But I believe that you desrve the truth, my harleyquinn." thankgod he wasn't going to kill me ....but why?

"When I was a young lad my dear old dad was a very heavy drinker,but one night something set him off. So he decided to brake a beer bottle and chase the old mrs around ,so she ran to the kitchen to grab a knife,he didnt like that very much.I grabed the pocket knife she gave to incase this ever happend.Then I heard a blood curtalin scream.He had killed her ,he killed my mother" he paused for a second in deep thought ,then continued his story." I ran to her body and started crying ,so he asked me-"

"why so serious"he said in a berley aduible wisper 

"why so serious"he repeated in a louder voice

"WHY SO SERIOUS" he nearly screamed

"Then he picked me up and tried to cut my cheeks into a smile,but I stabed him in his heart"

I felt tears pooling up in my eyes.This man wasn't a crazy sycopathic killer by choice , he was forced into this because all he knows on violence ,at that moment I new that I would do anything to get my puddin out. Anything at all.

"Dont cry harls .Its in the past ,now is not so good either but atleast I have you

***same moment jokers pov***

I just told her the real story of my childhood .I didn't mean to but I did.I just want'd her to feel bad so she can bust me out why did I tell her the real story ? 

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