chapter eleven

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I decided on a tight red and black dress with black high heel knee boots and some bracelets, rings, and hoop earings.

For my makeup I chose red lipstick, blush, plus red eyeshadow on my left eye and black on right.

I look hot.



"Are you ready?"

"Yes I am puddin, how do I look?"I asked a I walked out of the closet and into the bedroom where Mista.J was.

"You look  like mine." he responded with a hungry look in his eyes. I started to giggle as I skiped over to him. He rapped his arms around my waist, crashing his lips against my. I trew my my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He licked my lips for entrence I opened my mouth and started to pull his hair.


"WHAT!" I heard a yelp from the other side f the door and I laughed.

"I-if we don't le-leave soon we-we'll get stuck in a c-cop rush." I laughed even harder, my puddin scared  this grown man shit-less.

"Well is the car ready?"asked my puddin.

" N-no" the mystery man answerd

"WELL GO GET THE DAMN CARS READY!"J screamed at the door.

He threw me off him and walked to the door;clearly annoyed.I followed him down the stairs and in to,what I believe to be,the garage.He grabed a pair of keys and headed down the lain of cars to a purple car,a purple lamborgini. 

"Get in" he said not even looking up. I did as he said, opening the door a climbing in.The inside was an all white interior with a maroon like color as accents.It was beautiful.

When we got to the club it was very crowded but people moved as soon as they relized who the mysterious car belonged to.

As we walked in the club I noticed the bright lights, and the smell of liquor mixed with sweat and, screaming dancing bodies.

I was walking through the bodies of people trying to stay up with J, when sudenly I was falling to the ground and was out cold.

I woke up to throbbing pain in my head.I tried looking around but quickly found out it was dark and i couldn't  see anything. I blinked a couple of times to adjust my eyes and saw that I was in some type of park.there were overgrown plants everywhere.I heard some russleing behind me so I turned around.

"Ya know,my puddin s gana kick ya ass when he finds me....your gana wish ya wher neva born"  

"Im not going to hurt you Miss.Harleen Quinnzel" a voice said.

"Thats not my name.My names harley quinn, and what do ya want from me?"

"I don't want anything from you, I simply want to give you a gift"said the voice as the person it belonged to walked out from the bushes, she had red hair and green vines all over her body.She looked oddly  familiar.

"Poison Ivy?"she was a patient I had at Arkham.

"Howed you get out?"I asked.

"When the joker escaped with you he let some of the patients out...including me. Now the gift I want to give you will make you imune to almost every poison ever,even mines.It will also enance your flexability,speed,and agility."

"How is that possible?"I questioned slitely curious,but still on my guard incase this was a trick. 

"All you have to do is drink some of my blood,then all of the things I said will be true"

This kinda growsed me out, but I still had one question.

"Why are ya doin this?"

"Because harleen,you must be faster,smarter,and stronger then a devil to be able play with one. Or else you'll get really hurt."she answerd in a calm voice.Then she proceded to find a sharp thorn and sliced the palm of her hand.Her blood was green and sap like.She stuck out her hand to me,I hesitated at first then walked over to her.I brought her hand to my mouth and started to drink it,after a few minutes she gently pushed my head away.I started to feel pain in my stomach  when I herd her speak.

"With this we are now connected if you are ever to need me just call my name and I shall find you."

When I looked up after the pain subsided she was gone.I decided that I needed to get back to my puddin.When I walked up to the road I knew exactly where I was and how to get back to the club..only problem was I didn't  have any way to get there but running.

Might as well start.

So I started to run.I found that I could run faster and not even brake a sweat.I felt alive.

I got to the club surprisingly fast and walked in but got stoped by to big guards at the door.

"Who are you and what do you want?"the biger one asked.

"IM HARLY QUINN YA QUEEN ......AND IF YA KNEW WHAT WAS GOOD FOR YA YOULL LET ME IN!!!"I yelled at him, but instead of letting me in he grabbed a walki-talki and pressed the button.

"Boss shes here."he said

"LET HER IN"an all to familiar voice said in an angry tone.

They opened the doors for me and I walked into the club.I saw Mista.J by the bar.

"PUDDIN!!!" I greeted him.

"where the FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN HARLY? "I was confused,did he think I left because I wanted to.I started to tell himthat I was kidnapped but was cut off by a sharp pain in my cheek.

"Why the fuck did you leave?"

"I didnt pu-"

"WELL THEN....WHY WERE YOU NOT HERE?Obviosly if you were not here you left, so tell me why did you leave? "

"I didnt leave I was kidnapped but I escaped and killed the guy, I think."I said only half lying because I didnt want him to hurt red (a/n:red=poison ivy in the comic books) she seemed really nice.

I could instanly see guilt on his face but it disapeared just as sudden as it apeared.

"I'm sorry why dont we head home,its getting pretty late"he sakd in a cold voice.

I fallowed what he said, walking outside and into the car.

The whole ride home was silent 


hey guys do you think I should do the scene where batman gets harley or not cause i feel like its been to the movie(and comic books)it was years after j and harley met..i feel like its to soon,can you please put your thoughts in the comments💜💚💜💚 💙💖💙💖*

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