chapter three

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**next day**

I was kinda freaked out that the Joker knew all that stuff about me. I mean how could he, he's straped to a damn chair for gods sake! I knew he was doing this just to get me to run away like all the other doctors, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of winning. I can cure this man, I know I can.

After reassessing the situation I walked down to the Jokers cell. I swiped my card and put in the key code then walked in.

''Well look who came crawling back for more." he said as I walked in. "Hello mistah.joker, how are we feeling today?"

"Amazing now that your here ." he replied with a erie smile

''And why is that mistah.joker?" I asked , trying to mask my curiosity.

"Well miss quinn were friend arent we." he said 

" You are my patient, I am your doctor. We are not friends." I replied, but somehow I knew that that wasn't true.

"Oh, come on doc. Who else am I gana be friends with in this fûcked up place.Please be friends with me."

Well I guess it couldn't hurt to play along with his game if it help's cure him.
"Okay fine were friend's" I said in a playful manner.

"Aw I new you'd come around" he chirped with a wide grinn.I couldn't help but stare at the curves of his jaw line ,and his many tattoo's that peeked out from under his Arkham jumpsuit.

"What is it doc,see something you like?" as he said that I looked away and felt my cheeks start to grow hot and turn red.
"So mista.J I was wondering ,why do you kill?" 

"Now that,my harley, is a very good question.That I will answer at another time. For right now why dont we talk about ...about you."

"Well there's not much to me ,I'm just an ordinary person."

"Oh but harleen you are so much more than that.You just decide to hide the best parts of you and only let what society deemed ''normal'' shine through." I was taken aback by his words .Was that his way of saying that I was speicial ,or that he liked me?

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