chapter two

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***eight weeks later***

It's been eight weeks since I got my job at Arkham. In those eight weeks I've already "cured" five patients, so now they can be released into society to live a normal life.

I was in my office doing some paperwork when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said. The door opened and Dr.LeLand came in.

"Why, Dr.LeLand what can I do for you?" I asked as I closed the file on my desk and set my pen down.

"Well Miss. Harleen I've come to talk to you about your progress here at Arkham. I have noticed that you have cured five patients in a very short amount of time, which is quite an achievement. I was wondering, if you believe your up to it, could you posibly drop all your current patients and pick up the Jokers case."

This is my big chance to interview the Joker, I cant believe that after eight weeks it was finally here.

"Yes Dr.LeLand I would love to take this opportunity, and I fully believe that I am ready."

"Well in that case you can start sessions first thing tomorrow morning, if thats to soon for you we can start another day."

"No tomorrow is perfect, thank you for this opportunity Dr.LeLand." I responded trying to not sound too excited. As she walked out of the room I started planning for what I would ask him in tomorrow's session.

---the next day---

As I walked through the hallways of Arkham all I could hear was the clicking of my shoes. When I got to my office I picked up my notebook and all the papers I would need to interview the Joker. When I got to the door I was told he would be in I took a deep breath and slowly walked inside.

"Hello patient number 721, I am your new psychologist." I said as I sat down in the metal chair. "You can call me Dr.Quinnzel, okay."

For the first time I looked up at him. He had bright green hair, bleached-white skin, tattoo's all over his body, and a silver grill.He was smiling at me, but it wasn't a sincere smile, it was a creepy one.

"What is it sweetheart, never seen anyone as beautiful as me?" he asked.

I looked away, realizing that I was staring.
"Um..Please call me Dr.Quinnzel patient number 721. I would like to start this sesion by asking about your appearance. How did you get like this?" I asked.

"Well Dr.Quinnzel" he said putting an emphasis on my name "I was born this way." he said. "And please call me Joker...or Mr.J." he added with another one of his smiles. 

"That's not true. No one is born with lime green hair and white skin." I responded

"Thats where your wrong Miss Quinnzell, I am the rebirth of something different, something better. And just because most people are born exactley the same doesn't mean that ALL people are the same, and they should imbrace their differences. But not all people see it like that, anyone that is different than them they lock away or exile......Or pick on them."

  "Isn't that what happend to you as a child. The other kids saw you as different just because you were smarter then them. So they picked on you. Even in college, when you thought the bullying would end it didn't." he said

"How do you know that?" I asked a little more than scared now.

"I have my ways of finding things out. Even if I'm strapped to a chair. Never forget that Harleen."

"How do you know my name?" I questioned, completely terrified now, but all I got in response is a laugh that I will never forget. I quickly gathered all my stuff and ran out the room.

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