Chapter ten

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After Mista.J mad his comment I decided I would flirt with him

"And ..what would happen if we went to the room,huh?" Asked in a playful manner,then I went to go sit on his lap.When I got to him he grabed me and pulled me towards him.I wrapped my legs around his waist and he started to kiss me roughly. I took my shirt and pants of then I pulled my underwear  off. While I was doing this he took his clothes off. I never realized how sexy he was ,he had and rock solid six pack and bulging muscles in his arms. I found myself fixated on his tattoos - each one seeming to tell a different story than the last.

" you want this?" asked the joker with only the slightest hint of uncertainty dripping from his words.

"Yes" I answered, mustering up as much confidence as I could and directed it into the words. When I uterd those two words I didn't know that they had set the last stone in the first wall of my future. After that J started to atack me, he became a vicious  beast. Kissing me all over,pulling me hair and clawing at my back. But I was just as vicious, pulling his lime green hair and digging into his back where his red dragon tattoo was. We layed down on the sofa and he layed on top of me. We stared into eachothers eyes then he gently sliped his length into me. He started off slow , building momentum. It hurt at first but then I found myself moving my hips along with him. It felt so good I didn't know what to do with my body. I started to spasm out, if I wasn't holding on to the sofa I would have fallen off.He started to go faster and I felt myself starting to spill over,almost reaching my climax pulling at his back. I finaly pooled over and allmI felt was plesure. Plesure in its truest most pure state , I swear I could see fireworks flying between our bodys. 

When I finished I got and kneeled down on the floor. He seemed to get what I was doing because he sat up. I grabed his cock and put it in my mouth, moving up and down all the way to the base. I did this until his body went stiff then relaxed. He came in my mouth, so I swallowed it and gave him a final lick.

He was the first to break the silence "Com'er" he commanded so I obeyed. When I got to him he picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs to the room. He got to the door and kicked it opened the door. We stepped into the room and he set me down.

"We're going out get ready you've got a half hour"

"But J I don't have any clothes" I stated.He replied not even looking away from what he was doing. "Check the closet on the right"

I walked to the closet on the right and walked in. When I saw what was inside of it I gasped.The room was the shape of an octagon. Every wall was filled with shirts, pants, full body suits, a whole wall was deticated to shoes and another just for makeup. When I turned I relized that when you close the door the whole wall becomes a mirror. 

I ran out the room and to my puddin.

"When did you get all this stuff, I just got here"

"Oh, well when we got home and you used the bathroom " I called frost up, told to go check your closet for your sizes, then told him to go shop like he was shoping for a girl version of me.....manly because he was."

"How thats really sweat of you puddin thanks!" I exclaimed while wrapping my arms around him. Then I ran back to the closet to pick out something to wear.

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