chapter twelve

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***one year later-harleys pov***

I've been with J for almost a year already,and its been amazing.He's been really nice-granted he get mad-but what cople doesn't?

Anyway today puddin and I are going to a buisness meeting. A few months ago he finally allowed me to come along.Saying "It's good for buisness to show off my quinn queen"

I accualy kinda flatered.

My thoughts were interupted by a loud bang.

"Ugh-HARLEY!"Mista.J screamed from the closet.

"What did I tell you about going in my closet" Oh no

no no

"Pu-puddin it was only a sec,when ya were gon that one week.I-I just missed ya so I took down one of ya shirts and smelt it..but I put it right back how it was."

J didnt like me in his stuff...I guess it was some controling thing.

He came waltzing out towards me with a pure look of fury in his eyes.

"Simple rules harley..simple. But yet you still find ways to break them"

He started to choke me,then right before I faded he let go and began to punch me.I felt my self start to fade away has he walked out the door.

Ivy had givin me a plant on our second encounter and said if I called she would hear.

"Ivy" I choked out.

The last thing I saw before the darkness settle in was vines potruding from the plant forming a body,then I was out.

***Ivys pov*** 

I heard harley call me  through the plant I gave her,plus since she had my blood the bond was stronger so I could feel her emmotions when she called me.

I felt that is was urgent so I hurryed over as quick as I could.

As I arived in harleys room the first thing I noticed was she was unconsious on the floor. I picked her up from the floor then went back trough the plant to my house.

When I got to my house I layed her on my bed and then I went to go get a bowl of water, a rag, and a ice pack.I dipped the rag in the water, rung it, then put it on her forehead. Then I examined her cuts as I grabbed a leaf from a plant that had healing componets.I squeezed the sap from the leaf and lathered her cuts with it.

***next day harly's pov***

I woke up to a migrane and pain all over. I didn't know where I was so I began to the around. As I exited the room I took acount to the ubundence of plants around

I think this is ivy's place.

There was a rusleing that came from the kitchen.

I found Ivy in the kitchen cooking, it smelled really good.

"Harley?"she asked not turning around.

"Yes" I replied then quickly found out that even that hurt.

"We need to talk...You shouldn't be with the Joker,he is a mad man that does not deserve you.And you don't deserve this shît either,getting beat up every week over complete bullshît"

I couldnt believe her

"Dont get me wrong,my puddinds a little rough sometimes.But he loves me,really"I said

"Plus why do ya care,ya sound like a jelous wife"I added

She looked hurt but continued in a small voice "I cant believe your still mooning over this psychotic creep,do you wana be some wakos punching bag for the rest of your life?"

"I care so much because your my friend, and I am jelous every time you go back to that piece of shît I worry for you...I worry Ill never see you again"she said.

I diidnt know what to do,or what I was doing until it was already done.

I walked over to her,grabbed her head,and kissed her.It wasnt like J's kisses, it was pashonite loving.Not hungry like his,but it was good.

We finaly pulled apart and just stared into each others eye, she was the first one to break the silence.

"I love you harly"


how was it..i think its getting pretty good,how bought you 

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