chapter fifteen

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***harley's pov***

I woke up to the repeated beeping of J's car horn. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and left for the exit. Once I got outside I walked to the car.
Frost was standing by the back door and when he saw me he opened the door to let me in.

"Thanks Frost"

"Your very welcome Miss.Quinn"

I got inside and instantly hell started.


"I-I-I just needed some time J, I'm sorry. I really am puddin"

"This is my fault isn't it. I told you harley I'm unlovable. I'm just a monster and you should leave before you get hurt."

"No J I love you and I am not going to leave you ''

"You dont understand it harley, I have feelings about you harley that I've never felt and don't know how to control it. It's not easy for me say this but I cant hurt you it would kill me if I hurt you"

I feel so bad, I shouldn't have left him. He really loves me I shouldv'e just sucked it up when he did what he did.

''J look at me, I love you and I'm not going to leave you. Till our crazy death together we stay together. I promise.''

He looks at me and smiles, and just as I'm about to lean in to kiss him he gets out the door and walks to the house.

"uhg" I get out of the car frustrated and walk to the house.


''Yes harls"

"I want you now"

"Harley......What a bad girl, we just got home baby"

"But J I missed ya"

"If I must harley" he replies then pickes me up bridal style and takes me to the room. And I'm pretty sure you can guess what happens next.

***Later after you know what (lol)***

"J I love you"

"I feel for you to harls"

Hi guys sorry it took so long before, had some stuff going on l-/

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