chapter fourteen

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----the next day ivy's pov---

I'm laying here in the bed staring at her. I ca't beleive that she chose me.

She looks so pretty asleep, and awake. I know she left last night, when she left I just layed there hoping it wasn't true. But she came back; an hour later, but still she came back. 

I start to play with her hair and she starts to stir so I stop. Then outa no where she sky rockets up screaming at the top of her lungs, crying.

---harleys pov---

I woke up in cold sweets crying. I had a dream that the joker killed her......that he killed my ivy. I don't know why I feel this way towards her, I mean yea J is mean sometimes but I still love him. But this feeling I get with ivy is different, more....soft...sweat. I don't know how to explain it but I wish I could have them both because I don't think I can live with just one. 

"Whats wrong, what happened?" she asked me.

"No-nothing" I replied looking away

"Harley something happened, just tell me what happened."

"Nothing happened red just leave it" 

"No, why can't you just tell me what happened"

"BECAUSE IVY I..DON'T WAnt to" I said breaking down at the end.  

"WHATEVER!" she yelled before she left the room, grabbed her keys, and slamming the front door.

I did the only thing I knew to do, I grabbed my phone and dialed the number not even thinking ; numb to everything I heard the ring and like always it was picked up on the second ring .

"Harley, I knew you would come to your sences" 

"Hi'ya puddin. Um-could ya please pick me up un the corner of 4th on blv please I need ya puddin."

"Harley, you know that you've been a very bad girl...But because I don't leave my things where I can't see them be there in ten,k"

"Yes puddin. Thank you"

And then he hung up. I looked in the mirror, prettied myself up, grabbed my stuff, and got ready to go back to my normal.

---later after harley left ivys pov---

I shouldn't have stormed out. I felt bad so I decided to go back to the house to apologize to her. As I walked through the door I called Harley's name but she didn't answer so I walked around the house in search of her. But she wasn't here, I can't beleive it. She's gone I didn't know what to do I slid down the wall as I began to cry.

I sat there crying for an hour before I fell asleep

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