chapter sixteen

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As I got out of bed I noticed that J wasn't next to me.

I got up, threw on a T, put on J's slippers, and set out to find him. The first thing I noticed as I walked out the door was that there was a table with 1 singular rose in a vase and note attached.

Just like old days(:

I thought as a went to grab the note and smell the rose; my favorite. The note read,

To my dearest Harley, 

        I hope you can forgive me for my foolish way and NEVER run off again. I would greatly appreciate this and would like you to know no matter how much I fuck up, your still mine. I would like you to fallow the red string and it will lead you to something  insanely good.

                                                                                                                                                             stay insane                                                                                                                                                                                          JOKER💚💙

I looked around to find this "red string" and found it connected to the door next to our room. As I fallowed the string it took me down the stairs and into the basement. The string ended at a door at the end of the hall. I slowly pushed the door and walked in.

"Hello my sweet harls, I'm not very good at this but I just want to say......sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

"Of course I will forgive you. You are my heart and I can't live without you Puddin."


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