chapter seventeen

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***Poisen Ivy pov***
I haven't left the house in 3 days. I thought me and Harley could be something, but she keepa going back to that abusive idiot. Why cant she see that he's a asshole.
''FUCK I MISS HER!'' I scream as i throw my class of wine at the wall. All my plants have eather become a very dark green or brown. I never relised I needed her this much. All of a sudden my vines started to hurt (***a/n you see what i did there...vines instead of veins IM SO SMART (: arent I***) This is what it does when Harley calls me.
Oh no whats going on now.
I tried to visualize where she was and melted into my plant to find her. I fond her in her house in hat looked like a nursery.
Is she pregnet?With that asses child?
I look around for a second before I see a small red heap on the floor and it takes me another second to relize that that heap is my Harley bear.
Oh god i she...dead?
"Harley'' I say in a wisper as i run to her.
''Harley, no no no nononono. Harley please dont leave me please I need you''IM starting to get hasterical now. Iscream in pain. Pain for me, pain for Harley, and pain for Harleys unborn child. This was just a woman who was in a wrong place and was just munipulated by a bad bad man.
I knew what I had to do. The thing that Batman couldn't;or would never; do.
But first I needed to get Harley back to my place.....where the plant could heal her. Theyed do anything and everything in their power to protect or fix something I love. I hope Harley could forgive me for what I'm about to do. I love you Harley and I'm doing this for you wether you like it or not....because I love you.

ha ha i made you think she was dead didnt I. Well shes not, just fately wounded. Anyway things are about to get good and i think the book will only have 1 to 3 more chapters. sorry but all good things have to end
BTW i think i might add a bonus chapter to explain what happened between Joker nd Harley. Vote and comment if u want this to happen please.

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