chapter five

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***next session***


"Yeas Mista.J " I answered looking up from my paper.

"We're friends right?" he asked 

I was confused about is question , he knew we were friends."Yea Mista.J ya know we are."

"Well ,as a friend,would you be able to get me something?"

"Anything,I mean yea" I said trying not to sound to eager.

"Well miss. Harleen, I need a machine gun" he said with a smile.

A machine gun but why we're doing so well,making so much progress why does he want to ruin that?  "Why?" I asked.

"Because my dear Harleen ,Arkham is no plase for my geniusnes.It's ruining my mind" He replied. I felt sad for him , he was just a smart man traped in a fûcked up world.

"ok" I wispered.

"what?" he asked, even though I know he herd me.

"I said ok ,I'll get for ya. Ill give it to ya tomorrow." I repeated

" That's my good  girl" he said with a devilish smile on his face.After that I left.

***later that night at home***

As I layed in my bed I was trying to figure out a way to get mu puddin his gun. Why was I doin this , I could loose my whole career . 

*fûck my career,he's my puddin* a voice that I know all to well, said in my head.I don't know what to do ,do  I save him and risk my career that I've worked for since I was a little girl,or save the one man(that's not dead over a bowl of mashed potatoes)that I've ever had fealings for.

a/n*i know this was short but bare with me i got plans for this btw the mashed potatoes was a comic book thing she had a crush that got stabed in jail over a bowl of mashed potatoes             💜💚💜💚*

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