chapter eighteen

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***poison ivy pov***

After I droped off Harley at my house I began to form a plan for what I had to. I needed a master plan to be able to kill the Joker. After about a hour of planning i figured out what to do. I went to get everything ready.

***joker pov***
I walk into my office right after killing some high power gang leaders. As soon as i sit down in my chair my phone starts to ring so I pick it up .

"What the hell do ya want" I yell into the phone annoyed that I was interrupted.
"Your head on a stick joker thats what I want." the person on the other line said. Instantly I get infreated.
''Not if I kill you first Joker, meet me at the warehouse on 5th avenue to face your death tonight at 9 sharp....and dont be late."
The mysterious person o the other end hung up and I was left to ponder what to do. This person is testing me and trying to play a game.....and I love to play games, after all I am the clown prince of crime. I might as well pacify this person and then rip their guts out to feed to them.

***poison ivy pov time skip 9:00***
I stand perched on the roof in my vantage point waiting to see if Joker took the bait. With an ego the size of his he probably did. Five minutes later I see J's purple car speeding down the musty dirt road. I watch as he comes to a halt and opened the car door.
Right on time
He takes two steps forward cautiously. Very smart of him , but not smart enough. He will die tonight no matter what he does. I look through my scope trying to get a killing shot. I put the red dot right over his forehead careful not put it in his eyes so not to alert him of danger. And then I pull the trigger. Everything happens in slow motion, I can see the bullet fly in the air towards its target, I can see it protrude into his skull and than his head violently snap back, I can see his breif moment of surprise right before he dies, and finally I can see his lifeless corpse fall to the ground and lye there and bleed out long after hes dead. I've done it, I've killed the worse man to ever live, I've killed the Joker. Its over Harley will never be hurt again and her baby can live a normal life (or more normal without the Joker). And wether Harley likes it or not I had to do what had to be done.


Hello I feel like we have one more chapter and then our bonus chapter (comment or like if you want the bonus chapter about what happened between Harley and Mr.J) I hope youve stuck around this far and im sorry for the weird update schedule​ I really do have alot going on but i hope youve enjoyed and thankyou (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:

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