chapter eight

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we were driving through the city in jokers car.I wonder  where we're going?'

"We're here"  mistah j said.I looked out the widow and saw one  those old looking factory's . There was this ancient looking sign at the top of the building that read Ace chemicals. What were we doing here.

"What is this place" I questioned 

""why, this is where I was born.And guess what day it is?"he responded. I wonder what day it is, I thought.

"What day?" I asked ,pretending to be excited but I acualy was kinda curious. 


"But my birthday isn't for months." I stated

"Not your old birthday Harleen,your new one that I will be giving you today. And every body get a name on there birth date."he replied

"But I have a name" I said ,confused now.

"No Harleen is your old name given to on your old birth date.Today is a new day and your new name is-oh, I dont know .......oh oh oh how about Harly Quinn? If you play with your old name ,Harleen Quinnzel,take the en off of Harleen and the zel off of Quinnzel you get Harly Quinn.You can be my herlequin, a jester thats the enbodyment of fun .And that's what were going to have to night,some fun" He started to crakle so I started to laugh with him ,I snaked my arms behind his neck and then all of a sudden he smashed his lips against my in a very over powering, rough kiss, it felt like it lasted forever and the time around us just froze...I loved this feeling and didn't want it to stop ,then he pulled away and walked towards the doors not looking back.

***jokers pov***


I don't like this, she's making me feel week,why did I bring her here, why did I kiss her? I need to get rid of her. I need a plan...

I walked up the steps not looking back to see if she was fallowing me, because I know she was.I got up to the highest level and turned around,she was right there.

"Now,I have question -would you die for" knowing the answer I thought of a new question

"yes"she said,knew it. 

"No ,no thats to easy..would y-would you live for me,no matter how ...dificult life gets ,through gangs and shootings ,live and breath just to see me everyday" I asked.

"Yes she said


I put my hand that had the smile over her mouth"Careful...don't say this oath thoughtlessly .Desire becomes surrender,and surrender becomes POWER " I said puling my hand away, catchimg her bottom lip in the prosses.

"Do you want this?" I asked 

"I do"she simply answerd. I need to get rid of her I  don't like this.

"Say it, say it, say it.........pretty,pretty ,pretty....."

"Please"she answerd

"God you'r so....good"I admited .Without a word she walked to the un-railed edge ,faced me and fell backwards.

Finaly shes gone. I turned to walk away but I wanted to go back,to save my harley. Just walk away ..your the joker ,the clown prince of crime,the king of gothem....what the hell,mabey this king needs a queen.I turned around took of my jacket,and jumped in to save my harlequinn .

***harleys pov***

I wasnt scared of dieing rather just not living.I didn't feel scared falling because I new death was inevitable ,so I fell and fell  to show him I can take show myself .I broke the surface of the chemicals,it stung but it didn't  hurt.I've through so much emotional pain,I'm numb to all physical pain.My chest started to ache and my vision started to blur .I was about to black out when I felt two strong arms around me...pulling me up.It was puddin.

I was pulled up to the surface. As soon as I it it I took a breath of sweat ,fresh air.I couldn't open my eye's,or wouldn't I don't know which .I heard him mumbiling

"no,no,no..don't leave"then he kissed me with so much passion...I now knew for sure,if I didn't already, that J was the one and I would and will do anything for him...even live  in this fucked up world, just for him.

I opened my eyes and he started to laugh so  I started to laugh to

hey guys I know it along time inbetween updates and I just want to explain,this is my first real book and Ī want it to be presentable and I'm sorry if i make you wait I just dont want it to become bad because im rushing ............also I feel Im not capturing the joker the right way I feel like he's crazy enough if anyone has a thought about this ,if its true or not,please put it in the comics 💜💚💜💚 💙💖♦

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