chapter seven

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*I never thought every part of a persons body could hurt, but I was wrong. Every cell in my body hurt even in places I never thought was possible. My hair hurt, my teeth hurt, my nails even hurt.I never wana feel like this again but in the same sense I would do it every day if it meant I could be with him *

I woke up on top of  my bed ,like someone just put me there

*YOU NEED TO FIND HIM* the voice said again. Ever since I've met the joker I'e been hearing her again,the sidē of me thats totally crazy, the side he brings out. So I decided to listen to her if he is what caused her.I grabed my gun from in my safety box and put bullets in it then left to find my puddin

I have been driving around for a half hour around the meat district because mista.J said he owned a few clubs over here. Then I finally spotted his car. He said he had a purple lambourgini plus the liseance plate said HAHAHA, so no mistaking it with anybody elses purple lambourgini.   I got out and ran to the car but he drove off before I could get to him.

My car could never keep up with that, I thought. Then I saw a red and black croch rocket

*TAKE IT* she said. So I hoped on and hot wired the bike.There some some advantiges of having a criminal has a dad.I sped off in the direction that J went then I saw his car , he was swerving from lane to lane not caring if he hit someone because it would mean chaos and death,his two favorite things.I raced up to him,I was right on the âšš of his car before he started to spead up

***jokers pov ***

I was racing through the streets when all of a sudden I heard the sound of a motorcycle near me. I looked around and found the bike, and to my disbeliefe Dr.Harleen was on the bike. Howe'd she find me, I thought .But then I saw she was racing me so I sped up ,she was still behind me so I went faster. I finally thought I lost her so I slowed down a bit ,until I turn'd a corner and saw her at the end of the block. what was she doing shes crazy to stand infront of my car,shes gana die. I sped up but she didn't care. She stayed in the same spot unfazed.I stoped right befor I hit her.This girl is crazy....I like that i o

***harleens pov***

I was scared , but I didn't move I didn't care .I didn't care about anything anymore.The car stopped right before it hit me. I walked up to his open window.

"GET THE FÛCK OUT'A THE CAR JOKER!!!!!"I screamedpointing my gun at him.I backed up so he could open the door.He stepped out and looked at me with his famous smile.

"What the hell J , ya use me ,make me feel important,make me feel special,MAKE ME FEEL LOVED, and then just trow me away, just leave me.tell me why,ya owe me that much"

I looked at him,then I felt a sharp pain in my right cheek.He slapped me.

"Oh HARLEEN I don't owe you šĥît ,and I wasn't leaving you behind.I had to go do some business because when I left I put my city in the temporary watch of some very stupid people,so I had to get my property back.And don't ever question my actions again do you understand me Harleen?"He asked ,and with that I instanley felt bad,why did I doubt his love ,I know he loves me he would never leave me.

"I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to."

"It's okay baby" he said then in a slightly darker tone he said get in the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked 

"Somewhere special" he said

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