chapter nineteen

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***poisen ivy pov***

As I walk through my front door I have no idea what to expect. Let alone what to say to Harley.
   "Where've you've been?" I heard in a faint , almost timid voice.
I hesitated before walking foward.
"On a job buttercup." I say as I walk foward.
"I know that, I mean what were you doing."
I just to be blunt, but also kind. Like a Band-Aid, fast but less painful I'm the long run.
"I killed him"
"Who ive. Who did you kill?"she said with a sliver of hope left, even though you could see on her face that she already knew who.
She let's out an audible weep and fell to the floor. I swiftly make my way towards her. As I hold her in my arms I could only think of one thing to say.
"It had to be done.I love you so much harely.I'm so sorry."
We sat there till harely fell asleep then I picked her up to take her to the bed.
"I love you too ive." She mubled as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I stroked her hair back the put her on the bed.

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