Chapter 15: Accidently Introduced Anime

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You are visiting Frisk and the other monsters in the home you were once living in, you also saw piranha- Undyne and Alphys there too altogether, except Grillby for he has a job. You sat on the floor of the living room watching Frisk doodling who lay on their stomach humming to themselves. Colors you see, varying uniquely to your eyes, all in different forms color pencils and crayons. 

You want one so you pick up a color that catches your eye on, turning the media left to right examining its shape. There are rounded blunt and flat, smooth parts; its height is shorter than the standard when compared showing its history of being used for a specific purpose.

Your attention turns back to the child that lays near to you. Frisk looked up to you to see you watching and smiled. Frisk sits up and picks up the drawing presenting it. The picture was you with a mouth that curves up on both ends. You tilted your head at the drawing. Frisk was concern that you don't like the drawing or something is wrong with what they drew. You use your finger directing it at your mouth questioning what is this you're doing shown in the picture.

Frisk told you what you're doing is a smile. You question no more not interested. You stared at the couple that is entering the living room with a colorful object in Alphys hand. "Alphys, I can't wait to see this show! I so pumped up!" Undyne said with her fists pumped as if they are ready to box someone while her eyes are on her girlfriend. Alphys open the narrow, colorful rectangular prism taking out round disk-shaped object when they arrived at the couch. 

And just as Alphys was about to put it in the DVD player Toriel called you to help her cook.             "(Y/N)!? Would you like to help me make butterscotch pie?" You stood up and went to the kitchen to aid her. You don't know how long it has been since you told Grillby your name, even so, it gives you a warm feeling when someone said your name. You were mixing the ingredients sloppily getting the flour to dust up here and there until Toriel shows you the easier way for you from not making a mess like Undyne has done when she cooks spaghetti with Papyrus, told from Toriel who let out a sigh. 

You didn't make a mess at least, but it doesn't mean anything when compared to you handling the knife. Toriel saw you hold a knife you found at the counter staring too closely. That's when she told you to go out to join the others back in the living room. But when you exited you came in to see the opening intro of a show, it scenes a bald man with a cape punching enemies with one punch as the pictures go one to another of this man punch varies of out of the world enemies along with the pop rock music.

When the trio noticed your presence, they called you to join in, yet you stood firmly in place with a face that is strictly screaming out on just what in the world you have seen. Alphys pause the TV to see what's wrong. Undyne waved her hand in front of your front to catch your attention. No response. She snaps her fingers, no answer. And then she yells at your ear, no response again it's like you are frozen in time. 

"U-undyne I think (Y/N) have accidentally experienced anime in the wrong time w-which have left them in a stage of shock," Alphys explain after Undyne is in stress of what has happened to you. "What! What's wrong with anime! Anime is awesome!" She blurted, Alphys have to deal with a fish who is overreacting on what is wrong with anime. 

It was in the afternoon, and you were still in the state sitting on the couch again. Grillby who has his work hours over introduced by the worried couple and household going to him for his help to the condition you are in. He came to you to see you in the same state you have been on the couch. He sits next to you who gave no attention to his arrival. With just that he gave you a pokes on the cheek. Making you slap his hand away only to end up hitting him in the face.

(A/N): This is how Grillby poked you in a state of shock. This is originally on Facebook, but I found this on Youtube.

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