Chapter 16: What have you done?

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It was an overwhelming experience for you that it can't be unseen, but instead, the worst of that is Grillby is angry. Making you in trouble, you didn't mean to hit him, although it doesn't change that fact that Grillby is flaring up. 

When your state of mindfully become aware, you turned to see small amounts of smoke and sparks of rising fire coming off of Grillby. You stare admiring even, so you stood and smoothly backed up from the fireball. 

"(Y/N), just explain for what reason you did that for?"

You stare, you feel a sharp urge pointing at your stomach to apologized yet you didn't. You said nothing in response. For it will ruin the fun to see the how the fire will do when Grillby is angry. He also stood up giving you a stare that a parent would give to their child when they misbehave. "(Y/N) come here." His voice is stern, yet it's calm and soft-spoken despite his anger. You shook your head disobeying his request. 

"(Y/N)." Grillby walked up to you. And that triggered you to shot out in a run. 

"(Y/N)!" He called out to you, as you run up the stairs. He chased after you heating up more smoke caused the fire alarm to blare through the house. Everyone was in confusion over on what has happened suddenly. Toriel and Sans were searching for the source of the smoke that is slowly filling up the whole house until they saw you sliding down the rail of the stairs from the fire monster. 

"(Y/N)! What have you-," Toriel called after you, but the smoke cuts her sentence short by her coughing. You were in a game of goose-chase plus hide-&-seek with fire. As much to the others' concern about the house catching on fire you were having a blast. You laughed making sharp turns around the others monsters and Frisk. The smoke is harmless to everyone in the home though it created a coughing fit, it doesn't bother you a single bit. You loved the smell of smoke from the burning fire. You hid in a cabinet under the counter that was in the kitchen, covering your mouth in an attempt of holding down your bubbling laughter. 

This is fun, you thought, just not for long Toriel along with Undyne and Alphys calm Grillby down explaining what's happen before he arrived while Papyrus and Frisk were opening windows to ventilate the smoke out. You pout disappointed. The cabinet was dark, though you can see the outline of the door by the cracks letting in light. You hear voices calling for you to come out. You also listen to objects being open, and footsteps pacing.

"(Y/N), come out my child! Playtime is over now!" That's Toriel you said to yourself. You wonder what she is doing. You cracked open a small gap to peep out what is going on outside of the cabinet.

You nearly gasped when you saw the legs of a skeleton near you. "OTHER HUMAN, SHOW YOURSELF OR I... I WILL FIND YOU MYSELF!" Papyrus said opening the drawer, but didn't see you in there closing it and left. "THE OTHER HUMAN IS NOT IN THE KITCHEN!" He told the others.

You sighed in relief until another loud voice shouted upstairs. "Alphys! Did you find them in any of the closets!" "U-um no, Undyne their not there," Alphys answered back. "God damn it!" You hear Undyne yelled, following with a thump.

You turned your head at an angle to see anyone nearby. You spotted Sans and Frisk looking under and over in certain places that can be likely to hide. "Hey Frisk, where do you think they would hide?" Frisk shrugged not knowing in respond to Sans question. Everyone was having a hard time, as for Grillby he was pacing and somewhat unreadable for you to tell what's he is thinking. 

Toriel place her hand on his shoulder stopping his pacing around, "Grillby it's okay we will find (Y/N) it just we need to do this carefully." Toriel is reassuring him, why? You questioned at that action, why did she do that. "Well, maybe you will not," a voice spoke up. "Flowey!" Toriel scolded at the yellow flower. "What, that psycho could have just left the house unnoticed making a run for it," Flowey exclaim in a what-so-ever tone. Who ended up getting a fire flaming up, in Grillby's hand, threateningly close in front of his face, "Said one more word or I'll burn you to crisps."

This threat successfully shut Flowey up, but he seemed to know something about your whereabouts in the house. Grillby stared at Flowey intimating, the flower looked at the kitchen and back at him. Grillby closed his hand canceling the flame back into his hand. Turning to the kitchen, staring directly at the cabinet you're in. You saw that he has found you, or did he? You don't know all you can think of is 'oh snap you're done.' 

He starts to walk towards your hiding spot. "Hey I think Grillby found them so guess the chase is over," Sans said to the two upstairs that was going down the steps. "Finally! It took forever to find them!" Undyne complained. "U-undyne, actually it took around 30 minutes after the house is smoked up," Alphys corrected her. "Well, it sure took a long time!" Undyne shouted. "STRANGE. I HAVE ALREADY CHECKED THE KITCHEN, AND THERE'S NO SIGHT OF THEM THERE." Papyrus rubs his chin confused. 

All of the conversations didn't seem to matter, Grillby is getting close. You saw his steps get closer and closer, stopped at the cabinet door. You see his feet in front now. "...I believed Papyrus...," he squatted down, "you may have overlooked." Grillby explained. He opened the door; seeing you huddled into a ball with your legs tucked in your arms that hold them tight to fit in the space you're in. 

"My word, (Y/N), just when in the world did you get there!" Toriel said startle. You didn't respond. Everyone is looking at your concern. "Sorry," you muttered out an apology the tension seems to soften. "That's settled for now..." Grillby pulled you out grabbing you by the wrist taking his leave. "I'm sorry for the trouble. We are going home." The others didn't mind at all somehow, you're safe and considered to be full of surprises.

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