Chapter 29: Visitation

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You have been quite well behaved surprisingly. On the matter of fact the best patient they ever have currently. The first week already ended as the new week comes. The nights were restless and filled with unease from the new environment you are new along with the fact that it is a mental hospital. The positives are you have people to talk to comfortable during your stay. And Grillby is going to visit you after day the others like Toriel, skeletons brothers and Frisk visitation that is a relief. Although the negatives are they give you overdoses of sleeping pills that it causes you to fall asleep during the mornings and afternoons all thanks to you unable to sleep for days. At one point you almost collapsed hitting your head on the ground. It is not your fault you have a hatred for the place you're in. You tried your best to stay awake when visitations have arrived nodding your head here and there.

"Well then. They didn't go easy on you with the meds did they?" Olly spoke as she is putting a jigsaw puzzle together.

Shaking your head in response. Your brain is too lazy to function words at all.

"Too tired to speak. Dawn is in a room taking a small mental test at the moment so why won't you help me finish this puzzle to help your fatigue." Her tone is blunt, but there is kindness behind that offer given. You scoot your chair close to her's as a sign that you accepted the offer reaching the pieces. They were large like those kids jigsaws bigger than your palm to prevent patients easily forcing parts of cardboard down their throat. You learn the reasons why Olly and Dawn are here overhearing their discussions with therapists and staff members.

Dawn was here for he was suicidal. Olly was also the same case but experience a homicide diagnosing her to have PTSD plus with other stuff that is not specified. These topics are never talked about why they are here for it's one of the main rules at least everyone must not break. The others are not to talk badly about other patients and no physical harm to anyone. The weight of the sleep deprivation is going away slowly. You were glad that there are lots of pieces to combine since there big pieces that you and Olly have to transfer the progress on the floor for more room.

"Hey guys that's looking good about almost over half of it is finished," he comments. You looked up to greet a sleepy good morning at Dawn trotting toward you two.

"Good morning to you too, (Y/N). Olly, you're up. There's some quiz for you and then (Y/N) after you."

"Fine," Olly said annoyed most likely at the quiz. "Here take my spot and help finish the rest while I'm gone."

With that, she left unsatisfied with the thought of not completing on what she has started on. Walking off to a small room next to the main office of the section. You chatted with Dawn about monsters and about the ones you know. You can't help but look at his sleeved arms. Yes, he has been wearing long sleeved shirts ever since you arrived, yet it was the way he puts into effort keeping them covered like keeping a grasp on the ends that pass his wrist with his hands.

The conversations then switch to the structure of the building. It is divided up into sections that are set up like dorms on each floor but vary depending on the mentality of the patients that reside within these walls. You learned that you are currently on the second floor which is quite low for there are six stories. Then just in time, the completion of the jigsaw came before Olly popped right out of the small room calling you up.

The quiz was simple enough. It was a simple mind game differentiation pictures from one another base on color, numbers and describing them. Sometimes there were math problems and then there was a picture of a single object. You were asked to describe it.

the picture before you was a cartoon version of fire. Taken back by this, a click of realization came to the conclusion was collecting evidence for the court that will risk harming the people who have done so much for you. Especially Grillby. Your eyes lay on the person before you instead of the pictures and quickly went back to the initial attention should be. You start to state out the obvious from what the card is shown.

"What do you see in this picture?"

"I see a representation of fire."

"Yes. What else you can point out."

"It is colored red at the base, yellow at the top, and orange in between the two colors."

"Good. You're quite an observant one. Is there any else?"

"I am not sure what else I can describe on the card."

You clearly see that this man does not work in the hospital. He is wearing a clean suit, with quality, and his attitude is hard to read and he is paying close attention to your very behavior. Reminding you the customers that doctor normally have, but there are times they wearing in black. But none of that bothers you, what truly bothers you most was that ticking.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

It is small, the room was quiet. You start at his hand that holds the card and follow it up to his cuffs of the suit to see a gleam of metal. Strange, he held the cards with his right and now this is his left. There is a possibility he is left handed for there is a silver watch that is simply similar to the doctors watch. It is quite expensive for this man to have this kind of brand. The reason that is you can see its gears turning at each moment that second-hand measures every second you have with this man. The foolish doctor was so proud of his watch and is pleased with the exposure of gears.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

"You don't? Are you sure?"

Is he testing you, for he clearly said it himself to describe what is show in the card.

"Yes sir, there is nothing else to describe the card you are showing me, unless you wanted me to said it have a white background and or the card is made out of some kind of paper."

He broke out a smile and started to laugh amused at my response.

"Well, besides describing. Can you state out it's uses?"
'You sure are trying too hard get me say things like burning houses down in a sing song voice.'

"It is used to light candles."

"Yes, please tell me more." You just wanted to give him this look of disappointment and lack of muse from his worthless actions now.

"A big factor for cooking."

'Sir, are you dumb? There are many uses fire can be used for besides harming and destroying objects.'

"And it is used as a light source like lanterns and torches."

"Yes..." He pause to check the time on watch to see that it was time had run out and said with a false smile, "Thank very much for you corporation."

Departing by a simple bye you exited only too see the two people and some nurses all staring at you.

"Well that took longer then expected." A nurse commented surprised.

"You think? It was almost half an hour twice as longer than the other two." Another nurse was grumpy by the wait.

It was time was breakfast that was in a cart of foods near a table in the hallway. You sat with the two on the table ready to eat with hospital food set out. It was a quiet mealtime as the nurses remain steady watch.

As you were eating they whispered in hush tone hoping for you to not hear their voices.

"We better not have a slow patient on our hands."

"I hope."

After those last exchanged of words you continue on eating pretending to not hear those words.

'Blame the man who kept me in that cramp room seemly interrogating me with questions, noobs.'

With that finished thought you heard familiar voices of your visitors. Toriel and Frisk were the ones to do the first visitation and that alone cheered you up.

(A/N): Someone I know was ranting about the ending of a school book they finished called, The Great Gatsby. They were very upset and chatted about how much the class is trying to hold their tears. And I agree with them that ending Of Mice and Men is better than the Great Gatsby because it has a better closure.

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