23 ~ the yule ball

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I loved writing this chapter... I just like the yule ball a lot, I don't know why.

Have fun :)


You stood in front of the mirror. Pansy left to her friends to get dressed so you were all alone. You looked in the mirror at your Slytherin coloured dress. (See picture). You sighed and put your hair in a fancy updo. You looked at your left arm and grabbed your wand.

Snape approached you the day before. He told you about a spell to cover your dark mark. You had no idea how he knew about your secret. The spell would hide the dark mark for 24 hours. It was helpful. You didn't have to wear a vest or anything.

'Y/N! Well be waiting in the great hall! Make sure you're in time!' Draco yelled.

'Yes! I'll be right there!' You yelled.

You sighed and changed your hair over and over again until you found a better updo. You didn't know why the crown was included but you dicided to put it aside and just leave. You slowly walked down the stairs of the girls dorm and some students looked up and stared at you in awe. You looked away with a small blush and walked towards the great hall.

You pulled your dress straight and walked down the final stair where your friends were waiting.

'Draco... o my gosh...' Vincent spoke while looking at you.

Draco turned around and you looked at him with a small smile. He looked at you with big eyes and a blush appeared on your face. You looked at his outfit. He was wearing smoking with a white blouse. It look very elegant and good on him.

'Holy crickets Y/N... you look amazing.' Draco spoke while grabbing your hand and leading you down the final steps.

You blushed.

'You look amazing too.' You smiled.

Draco let you go and looked at you again.

'Marlins beard...' he mumbled.

You grinned and walked towards him. You gave him a kiss. He smiled at you and tangled his fingers with yours. You walked into the great hall. People gathered around the door in two rows and a circle came into existence in the middle of the dance floor. The doors opened and the champions entered the great hall.

'Look at how awkward Potter is.' Draco grinned.

You looked at Harry who was holding his date with the most uncomfortable face ever. You giggled and the music started playing. Some champions sure knew how to dance. Draco couldn't stop laughing about Harry who had no idea what he was doing.

McGonagall and professor Dumbledoe joined in together with some other teachers. Draco grabbed your hand and led you to the dance floor as one of the first students. You joined in with the dance. You smiled as you moved over the dance floor, Draco had to lift you up every once in a while, making butterflies fly through your stomach.

More and more students joined in until the song was over. You smiled at Draco with red cheeks. Another song started playing and Draco put his hand on your waist. You saw Pansy looking at you in the corner of your eyes.

'Don't pay attention to them. Let it go.' Draco smiled while turning you away from Pansy and Blaise.

'I'm sorry... I can't take her jealousy.' You sighed. 

'Just relax and enjoy Y/N.' Draco smiled.

'Pansy, could you maybe looked at me except for Draco?' Blaise asked.

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