44 ~ Grays first winter

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You held Gray in your arms while walking with Draco towards the vanishing cabinet.

'Why do you have to bring the pup?' Draco asked with a sigh.

'Because he attacked Y/O/N yesterday and I don't want her to die.'

Draco grinned and shook his head.

'What? It's kind of sad... she lost a few feathers. She flew away today when I opened the window. I hope she's fine.'

'Wait, so your owl is gone but you still take him?'

'Yes! What if she comes back?'

Draco shook his head and stopped. He started and the two birds that were in the cages in one of the corridors. He opened it and grabbed the white bird.

'What are you doing?' You asked.

'We're going to test it on a living thing.'

He closed the cage and held the bird in his hands. Gray tried to jump from your hands to play with the bird.

'No Gray, don't.' You sighed while getting a better hold of the pup.

You walked towards the room of hidden things and you put Gray on one of the tables. You grabbed the bird from Dracos hand. Draco pulled the blanket of the cabinet and he opened it. You handed him the bird and he placed it in. He closed the cabinet.

'Harmonia Nectere Passus.' He whispered.

He opened the cabinet and the bird was gone.

'The moment of truth.' Draco sighed.

He closed the cabinet.

'Harmonia Nectere Passus.' He whispered again.

He opened the cabinet. You stood beside him and looked. Draco sighed and walked away. The bird was dead... what went wrong?

'Unbelievable... unbelievable!' Draco spoke in frustration. 'We did everything he told us to do!'

'Calm down Draco... maybe it wasn't ready yet. Let's just try again after Christmas.' You spoke while hugging him from behind.

'Yeah... you're right. I'm sorry.'

You let him go and he turned around.

'Where is Gray?' Draco asked.

You turned around and saw that he disappeared... just like the bird.

'My gosh! Gray?! GRAY?!' You yelled while looking around.

Gray ran towards you with the body of the dead bird in his mouth. It's head was missing... great.

'O no... Gray! That's disgusting! Drop it!'

Gray looked at you.

'Gray! Drop it.' Draco spoke in a low demanding voice.

Gray immediately dropped the birds body. You kicked the body away and grabbed Gray.

'Let's get out of here.' Draco smiled.


You sat in your room with Draco. You watched Gray run around the room. He was very hyper all of a sudden. You laughed and watched Gray jump on the bed and jumping of again.

Your owl flew in through the open window. Gray immediately stopped and looked at the owl. His mouth opened a bit and he started jumping up, trying to catch your owl. Draco got up and picked Gray up. Your owl dropped a letter on your bed and immediately sat down on top of a closet. You opened the envelope and found two letters. On one was your name and on the other was Dracos. Draco sat down besides you. He put Gray on his lap and grabbed the letter. You read yours.

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