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Hi guys!

Few things...

I just got 100 followers... I put a thanks on my page but I'll say it here as well, I don't know how many times I have to say thank you. I can't express how great this is! I love all of you, thank you so much for reading my story and cheering me up every day!

Then there is this new book coming up tomorrow! It's going to be a one shot book for Harry Potter characters X reader (so not only Draco) that's why I asked you guys what you wanted to read. You can leave request, I have already gotten a few! What I'd love to know is:

- Who it's about
- What year
- What house
- What event ( what you want to happen)

But I'll explain more in the first chapter of the book! Just leave a comment or sent me a private message!

Last but not least. I have been tagged in this thing. So I'll do that in this book. I get tagged by Mistygirl729 thank you for the tag! I just have to tell you guys some things about myself so here we go:

1. Nickname: nonnon (my name is Manon and my friends just call me like that idk)

2. Eye colour: blue/gray-ish

3. Hair colour: blonde with in the left side of my hair a pink/red stroke of hair.

4. One fact about me: I'm Dutch but I follow an English education

5. Favourite colour: green! (Slytherin ^.^)

6. Favourite place: My room where I can watch Harry Potter and write my stories for all you lovely people!

7. Favourite celebrity: TOM FELTON IS MINE! (Sorry I just love him so much... Draco Malfoy, Julian Dorn (anyone watches the flash?) Erich Blunt..)

8. Favourite animal: a Dolphin or a snake... or a seal... or a cat... I love every animal...

9. Favourite song: Basically ever song of my favourite band: Skillet... but if I have to chose, Monster or Lions.

10. Favourite book: Harry Potter... any of them. I don't care which one.

Filthy Death Eaters || Draco X Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now