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You walked down the stairs quietly. There it was... The little boat house the Dark Lord and Severus were in. Harry looked at you and you nodded. You slowly walked closer and sat against the wall next to one of the windows.

'You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my lord. This in the last few hours alone.' Your heard Severus speak.

Harry looked at you and you got a better grip on your wand.

'No... no... I am extraordinary and the wand resists me.' Voldemort said.

You looked through the green painted glass. They were standing at a good distance and you had a prefect view. How to get in... that was the question. Harry sat down against an extension of the wall and looked at you.

'There is no wand more powerful... tonight when the boy comes, it will not fail you. I'm sure of it.' Severus spoke.

Voldemort stared at him for a while.

'It answers to you... and you only.' Severus added.

'Does it?' He asked softly.

'Harry, we have to get in.' You whispered. 

'We can't! He'll kill us on the spot, we have to wait for a while.'

'What if he dies?! Then we'll be too late!'

'Do you want to die?!'

You sighed and looked back inside.

'My lord...' Severus spoke.

'The wand doesn't truly answer to me... you're a clever man Severus... surely you must know.'

Voldemort walked a circle around him. You swallowed and wanted to get up but Harry pulled you back. He shook his head.

'But where does it's true loyalty lay?'

'With you of course... my lord.' Severus answered.

'Harry please... We have to help him...'

You could feel that something was going to happen. Harry looked at you.

'Y/N, Severus isn't in danger. With the Dark Lord there we'll die in a matter of seconds! You have to be patient.'

You sighed and sat back again.

'The elder wand... The wand can't serve me properly because I am not it's true master. The elder wand belongs to the wizards who killed it's last owner... you killed Dumbledor Severus.'

You swallowed and your hands started to shake. Why did you suddenly feel like you had to protect him? Maybe because he saved you a couple of times... you wanted to return the favour. Maybe you just wanted to get to know him.

'Harry... p-please.' You asked with a shivering breath.

'We can't Y/N... Please stay where you are.'

'And watch him die?! He's my godfather.'

'I know... but you have to make sure you survive. Think about your own safety first.'

You didn't say anything and looked back.

'While you live the elder wand cannot truly be mastered by me.'

You swallowed and took hold of the wall. You wand almost broke because of your grip.

'You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus... but only I can live for ever.'

'No... no...' you chocked.

You got up and wanted to run towards the door but Harry grabbed you and pulled you down.

Filthy Death Eaters || Draco X Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now