35 ~ still your daughter

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You walked with Draco towards the vanishing cabinet. Draco was holding a green apple and was playing with it. Throughing it and catching it.

'Y/N! Catch!'

He threw the apple and you and you just caught it and it almost came against your face. Draco laughed and took the apple from your hand.

'Ha ha... funny.' You sighed.

'Cheer up Y/N! I know things are tough, but you're spending some time with me now!'

'Yeah... Some time to repair something that's going to destroy Hogwarts probably.'

You were kind of depressed the past couple of days. You spend most of your time alone in class because Draco followed different classes. You learned to deal with the whispering and insult... sort off. Draco wrapped and arm around you. He kissed the top of your head. 

'It's only going to let some death eaters travel to Hogwarts...'

'Yes... that's the problem.'

Draco sighed and let you go. You entered the room and walked towards the cabinet. Draco pulled the blanket of it and opened the doors. He placed the apple in and closed the doors.

'Ready Y/N?' He asked.

You nodded. Draco sighed and closed his eyes. You stayed quiet.

 'Harmonia Nectere Passus.' he whispered.

He opened his eyes and opened the door. The Apple was gone... Draco smiled and looked at you.

'That worked.'

'Yeah... It did... unbelievable.' You spoke.

He closed the doors again and closed his eyes.

'Harmonia Nectere Passus.' He whispered.

He opened his eyes and the doors. The Apple was back and someone took a bite of it. You couldn't believe that it actually worked. Draco grabbed the apple and looked at it.

'I think we're done for now. It's almost holiday so we can't really do much. I think we'll have it finished next year... We get until next year. I think we should take the time since it's going better then we expected.'

You nodded and you two left.


'Train ride! Going home! Finally!!!' Vincent yelled while running towards the train.

Unfortunately you had to share a carriage with them... again. You entered the train with Draco and sat down in the perfects' compartment.

'It's kind of strange don't you think?' Pansy asked Blaise.

They all sat down next to your table and you rolled your eyes at Draco with a sigh.

'What?' Blaise asked while Gregory and Goyle sat down next to them.

'That she's still in the PERFECTS' compartment while she's far from perfect.'

Blaise sighed.

'Can you stop it already? Don't you think you're being a bit annoying and to mean? I mean yes, she's a death eater but do you have to talk about it 24/7?! Come on women you're driving me nuts!' Blaise exclaimed.

You looked at him and he gave you a small polite smile.

'Are you serious?! You know where my anger come from.'

'It's about a year ago! Make it up already! She hasn't harmed anyone-'

'Yet.' Pansy sighed.

'I don't think she's how you think she is. I've been kind of observing her, partly because of you, and she seems to be innocent. I'm probably the only one together with Draco who thinks that.'

Filthy Death Eaters || Draco X Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now