79 ~ DADA problems

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I wanted to update yesterday but then my mother told me she had tickets to this rock 'n roll concert from Voltage (Dave Vermeulen) I don't know if any of you guys know him because he's Dutch... anyways, I'm sorry that I didn't update! Here is the chapter.




You stared outside through the window during DADA. It was still snowing and you weren't really paying much attention. All your teacher did was saying how bad Death Eaters were and you didn't want to hear it. He just couldn't let it go.

'You could answer that question, can't you miss Y/L?'

You looked at him and you felt your cheeks getting red.

'N-No professor.' You mumbled.

You heard grinning behind you.

'Start paying attention.'

You sighed and opened your mouth to say something but quickly closed it and leaned on your hand. You still didn't listen but pretended you did. Draco looked at you and waved his hand in front of your eyes. You blinked a few times.

'Stop daydreaming.' He whispered.

'I'm sorry... I just don't want to listen to his rant about how bad Death Eaters are.' You sighed.

'Most of them are bad... just not all of them.' Draco spoke and he played with your hair.

'Miss Y/L, Mister Malfoy! Attention here please, I'm not asking again.'

You sighed and rolled your eyes. He dropped the chalk and shot you a look.

'That's not the kind of behavior I want in my classroom!' He hissed.

'Well I'm sorry that you have no idea what you're talking about!' You shot back.

Everyone was now looking at you.

'I am a Defense against the dark arts teacher! I know what I'm talking about! Do you think you can do it better?' He asked.

'Who's here a former death eater?' You asked while raising your brows and crossing your arms in amusement.

'Y/N, stop.' Draco whispered at you.

'If you want to give my lesson to them, go ahead.' He spoke.

'All I wanted to say is that not all death eaters are evil. Some didn't even have a choice. They were chosen because of their bloodstatus, parents or strength. I think you should consider that as well.'

'And with that you're, of course, talking about you and mister Malfoy I'm guessing?'

'We're one of the few.' You simply spoke. 'But I didn't say that. Not all death eaters killed someone. Not all death eaters wanted to be one. That's something people forget.'

He sighed and crossed his arms.

'So you're saying that a death eaters who kills is a real, evil death eater? Then you're one as well, aren't you?' He asked.

You looked at him.

'I never said that.' You said.

'You kind of have. You spoke about how not all death eaters are bad and then you followed by saying: not all death eaters killed someone.'

'So? That doesn't mean-'

'You killed someone... didn't you? Liv? A Hogwarts student.'

'I never meant to kill her...' you said while looking at the table.

Filthy Death Eaters || Draco X Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now