81 ~ I saw them...

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#FoodIsLife (some dared me to type this is my chapter xD else I had to let Draco die so yeah...)


You stopped crying ages ago but couldn't get yourself up. You just sat there while snowflakes made their way onto your clothes. You looked up at the sky and sighed.

'Y/N? Are you here?'

You looked up and saw Draco. He looked at you and put of his coat. When he arrived he wrapped it around your shoulders.

'It's fine Draco. I'm not cold.' You said.

'Still, I don't want you to freeze. Why were you sitting here?' He asked.

'It looked like you needed some time with your parents. Are you okay?' You asked.

'Yes, I'm great... you? You don't look happy.'

'I'm fine Dray.' You answered, trying to smile.

'Are you sure?' He asked.

You nodded.

'Dinner is almost ready.'

Draco got up. You got up as well. You gave him back his coat.

'Put it back on. It's cold.'

'No, here.'

Draco sighed and grabbed his coat. You walked back inside, towards the kitchen. Draco put away his coat and walked in as well. Lucius was sitting at the table with Narcissa. The table was filled with nice food. You smiled and sat down.

Draco sat down besides you and Narcissa gave you some steak, vegetables and potatoes.

'Thanks.' You smiled.

'No problem. Enjoy.' She smiled.

You started eating when everyone had food. Draco and his parents started chatting about basically everything that happened at Hogwarts this year and you just sat there eating. Before you knew it everyone was done.

'Are you alright dear? You've been quiet.'

'Yeah, I'm fine. Do you guys mind if I go upstairs? I'm really tired.'

Narcissa looked at you with a bit of confusion in her eyes. 


You passed her a small smile and got up. You walked out of the kitchen and hurried upstairs. You walked into his room and stopped for a moment. This room... you sort of missed it. You closed the door and sat down on his bed. You put of your shoes and saw that your luggage was already upstairs. The door opened and Draco walked in.

'Are you okay? Wait I shoulder ask that... tell me what's wrong.'

'Nothings wrong. I'm tired.' You said. 'I've been tired all day. Just go back to your parents. You don't have to go to bed yet.'

'No, you're going to talk to me. Ever since my father hugged me, you've been acting strange.  If you miss your parents, just tell me. I'm there for you. It's perfectly fine to miss them.'

'Draco... please, I'm fine. Just let me sleep.'

Draco sighed.

'Alright. If that's what you want.'

Draco walked out and almost slammed the door behind him. You sighed and dropped yourself back on his bed. You rubbed your eyes and sighed. You got up and started to get dressed. After that you brushed your teeth. You laid walked back and closed the door. You switched off the lights and laid down in his bed.

Filthy Death Eaters || Draco X Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now