25 ~ food

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You had been stuck in your room the past two weeks. It was that you had a small bathroom so you could drink. You also had some candy up stairs but it wasn't much. Your parents didn't even send a house elf up. Your energy was drained and you were really looking forwards to the feast so you could finally eat decently. The door opened and your house elf appeared.

'Mistress, you have to leave soon.'

You nodded and sat up. You grabbed your suitcases and started filling it with everything you needed. When you were done you walked down the stairs, completely ignoring your parents. You put on your coat and put on a scarf and your shoes. You slammed the door behind you and left to kingcross.


You walked into station and it took a lot longer then normal. You were tired and hungry. You saw Draco walking towards you. You let go of your stuff and hugged him. He hugged you back with a smile. You stepped back a bit and grabbed your suitcase. Draco looked at you with a face of worry.

'Y/N.. are you okay? You look a little pale... have you eaten enough?' He asked.

'I'm fine... I was locked up in my room the entire holiday. I pissed off my dad and he locked me up. He probably forgot about me.' You sighed.

'Well did they bring you food or anything?' He asked in worry.

'I still had some candy in my room... It wasn't much but I did eat.' You sighed. 'My energy is drained... let's get into the train.' You smiled.

You walked with him through the wall. You walk with him into the perfects' compartment and sat down. You felt your stomach growl. You sighed.

'Stop looking at me like that, I'm fine.' You smiled at him.

'No you're not... I can't believe your parents would do something like that to you. Let's see... where is that trolley?' Draco looked through the carriage.

More perfects' entered and your friends followed. Gregory and Goyle sat down.

'Are you ill Y/N?' Gregory asked.

'No.' You sighed.

'Are you sure?'

You nodded and the train got into motion. You sighed and laid your head on Dracos shoulder. 

'So... you haven't changed into a ghost and you aren't ill, so why are you so pale?' Vincent asked.

'I haven't eaten that much lately.' Was all you said.

'Well you should... you look horrible.'

'Thanks Gregory... real confidence builder.' You sighed.

The trolley passed and Draco grabbed some money. You wanted to grab your money but Draco stopped you. He ordered a lot of candy and it was placed in the small table. The women walked away.

'Here, take as much a you like.' Draco smiled.

Vincent immediately grabbed a hand of candy and placed it on his lap.

'I can't... I could buy it for myself.'

'Come on Y/N, eat. I'm worried about you.'

You sighed and grabbed a liquorice wand and started eating. You enjoyed the lovely flavour and noticed how hungry you was. Draco smiled at you while opening a pack of jelly slugs. You smiled back and took another bite. Draco put the package away and grabbed your hand. You looked at him and he leaned in to kiss you. You kissed him back and a few seconds later he pulled back. You smiled at him. You missed him and it was just two weeks.

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