69 ~ the fountain

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You walked into the dungeons. You guessed the Laurie went to your room. That would be logical. You walked towards your room and quietly opened the door and saw Laurie looking out of the open window. You looked passed her and saw her owl fly away.

'Are you okay?' You asked.

Laurie looked up and turned around.  She nodded.

'Andrew told us... how is he doing?' You asked.

'I hate that I can't be there for him... that's all I'm saying about it right now.' She sighed while walking to her bed and sitting down. 'I promised him I will go to his house next Christmas.'

'I hope it will help him.'

'I hope so too... why don't you go back? I'll be right there. I need some time for myself...'

You nodded and walked out. You walked through the dungeons and sighed. You walked out of the dungeons into the corridor. You saw Harry coming from the corridor. He looked at you and passed you a small smile.

'Hi Y/N... how are you?' He asked.

'Me? I'm good... you?'

'I'm great... I heard you had a rough first week, are you sure that you're okay?'

'Yeah... don't worry. Some people are just...' you ended with a sigh.

'I never expected Luna to be like that. Something just snapped in her the moment you... you know.'

'About that... I really don't know what happened that day. I mean... she tortured me before and she was just very annoying and mean and I think I just lost it.'

Harry placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled comforting.

'I already told you that I forgive you. That didn't change Y/N.'

You gave him a small smile.

'Thank you.'

Harry let you go. Ron passed the two of you and grabbed Harry's sleeve. He pulled him with him.

'Let me go Ron. Come on. I was just talking.'

'Just talking?! Are you bloody mental?!'


He immediately looked at you.

'Don't you dare call me Ron again!' 

'Okay... Weasley, what's wrong? Why are you ignoring me? I thought we were okay.'

'We will never be okay. People like you killed my brother! Do you have any idea how George is feeling?! He barely gets out of bed because every time he sees his own reflection in any object he gets reminded of Fred! He almost wanted to shave his head or colour his hair to get rid of the image.' He chocked.

'Ron calm-'

'I will not calm down! She has no idea what people like her have done! A monster, that's what all of you are! A MONSTER!' He yelled.

Harry grabbed Ron's arms and pulled him with him out of the corridor. You looked at the floor and sighed. You looked at your inactive dark mark and moved your hand passed it. You walked through the corridor. Towards the lake.  When  you got there you sat down next to Draco again.

'What were you doing?' He asked.

'I went to Laurie. She'll be her soon.' You said.

'Is she okay?' Andrew asked.

'Yes, when I came in the room she sent her owl away. She was doing okay. She's just worried about George.'

Laurie sat down next to Andrew and gave all of you a small smile. 

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