67 ~ Snapes office

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You walked into the dungeons. You had a free period before you had to go to DADA. You were done with today already. You walked into the common room and saw the two boys from your previous class. You immediatly turned around.

'Look who we have there. Our murderer.'

You didn't even give them a look and just walked out.

'Don't you dare walk away from us.'

You grabbed your wand and pointed it at them. They stepped back for a moment but then the brown haired boy smirked and stepped forwards.

'Go on, show what kind of monster you are.'

'Petrificus totalus.' You spoke.

The boy couldn't move and fell to the ground.

'Stupify.' You casted at the other boy and he grabbed his wand.

He wasn't quick enough and flew back. You ran through the corridor and took the wrong turn. You ended up in a corridor in the dungeons with a dead end. You looked at the door next to you.

'Alohomora.' You spoke and the door opened.

You closed it behind you a used a spell to lock it again. Then you noticed where you were... Severus old office. You swallowed and looked around. Why? Why did you have to end up like this? Why in this room? Why the second day of  Hogwarts?

You stepped into the office and looked around. The green shaded walls and the black tilled floor looked exactly the same. His black desk was at the same place, just like his chairs, closets and potion supplies.

You switched on a few of the candles that were in the office and took walked towards his desk. You sat down on the chair in front of it and sighed.

'I hoped we had more time...' you whispered softly.

You moved your hand passed the black paint if the desk and grabbed one of the books on the table. You opened it and saw all kind of advanced potions. The recipes were complicated and it had notes written into it. You smiled at the sight of his beautiful handwriting. You closed the book and put it back at the place where it came from.


You missed out of your final classes. You didn't even dare to come out of the office and you didn't want to. You just stared at the books and looked around. Then the door opened. Who came past your spell? You looked up and saw McGonagall. You swallowed.

'And what exactly are you doing here miss Y/L?' She asked.

'I-I... uhm...'

'Skipping class?' She asked.

'I didn't intend to professor... I forgot the time I guess.' You sighed.

McGonagall looked at you.

'Why did you let me come back?' You suddenly asked.

'Because you deserve a second chance. You helped Harry during the war and I know that you never wanted to become a death eater. Some people just don't have a choice.'

'Have you even thought for a second about what other people would think?'

'I have, people trust me and if I say that I trust you I expect them to do the same.'

'Well... they don't.' You sighed while getting up.

'What do you mean?' She asked.

'Two boys called my parents trash and me a filthy death eater and killer. They said I belong I Azkaban... with my parents.' You sighed.

Filthy Death Eaters || Draco X Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now