Chapter 1: Liar Game

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Clarke groaned from the weight of her fall as she lifted her head, and rolled over to the other side. The girl pinned down on the ground below her, looked young, almost about her age, and was most definitely a Grounder.

The girl sat up groggily, clutching her shoulder and looked around at her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Clarke muttered angrily, and sat up.

"Is this Arkadian territory now, skaigirl?" the girl asked back with a heavy Trigedasleng accent, and stood up, clutching her shoulder.

"Well you're welcome," Clarke rolled her eyes. "It's not like I saved you from a bullet or anything."

"I was meditating here, when one of YOUR people with YOUR weapons tried to kill me,"the girl answered, her voice seething with anger.

"Who meditates in the middle of the forest! God! Woman, you almost ruined everything," Clarke said, standing up.

"What are you doing here, Skaigirl?" the girl asked, suddenly calm and measured.

"I was on my way to TonDC... "Clarke sighed,"when I saw those hunters and followed them for their stash-" she trailed off.

The girl stared at her, expecting more.

"And then they took aim at you thinking you were a deer or something... So I pushed you away and almost broke your collarbone. Happy?"

"Why should I be happy  you injured me?" the girl asked, looking slightly confused.

"Umm it's a figure of speech... Forget it... Whats your name by the way?"

"I'm Alexandra", the girl replied, "and thank you for the attempt to save me there. I appreciate that, but I had already seen the men and the bullet, and it's trajectory was way off."

Clarke stuck out her tongue at Alexandre,"I'm Clarke."

Alexandra nodded." What are you doing here, Clarke? If I'm not mistaken, you're Arkadian, aren't you?"

Clarke nodded, and then paused in her head. She regarded the girl in front of her. Dressed in simple Trigeda fashioned tunic and carrying two light swords, she had her hood up, covering her forehead. Her brunette hair was visible near the the neck, and the hood almost cast a shadow on her eyes. Two very striking emerald eyes that seemed to reflect the forest around them. Clarke decided that Alexandra must be a hunter gatherer and would be a very good source of entry into the village.

"I am an Arkadian prisoner, to be honest," she stated truthfully, before delving into the story she had been repeating in her head for the last two days. "And I escaped. I escaped last week, and have been wandering since then, looking for a village to seek shelter in. That's why I'm on my way to TonDC."

Alexandra regarded Clarke carefully. The girl looked like she was her age-group 18 or 19. She had blonde hair tucked behind her ears, and was dressed in a simple grey shirt and pants. Alexandra managed to tear her gaze off the ocean blue eyes, and her eyes fell on the electronic bracelet around Clarke's feet. So she was telling the truth, after all.

"Are they tracking you, Clarke?"

"What umm... No" Clarke faltered under Alexandra's gaze. "I short-circuited it, but can't get it off."

Alexandra continued staring at her, and Clarke shuffled on her feet uncomfortably under the piercing gaze.

" Umm... So Alexandra...Lex..Lexa...can I call you Lexa?"

Alexandra's eyes shot up at Clarke, and she gulped. Damn this simple girl in the middle of nowhere was getting to her without even saying a word. After what seemed like an eternity, Alexandra finally nodded,and Clarke smiled in relief.

"Awesome, so Lexa...shit! The irony" she suddenly started laughing.

Lexa raised her eyebrows, "Is my name funny to you, Clarke?"

"No.. Sorry... No offence, it's just that I've heard that name mentioned in the council before... Lexa Heda or something like that... She's the military general, right?" she asked, covering up her blunder, and fishing for more information.

Lexa paused and deliberated for a moment. "Yes, you are well informed. She is our Commander."

" where are you heading, plebeian Lexa?"

"To TonDC. In two days. Till then, I'm here. What were you imprisoned for, Clarke?"

"By association to my father." Clarke paused. Tried as she might, she'd never be able to lie about her father to anyone for any reason. "He was wrongly branded a traitor and executed, and I was imprisoned for being privy to his plans. He was actually carrying out a peace treaty with Luna, the NouKru leader, secretly. Now that assbutt Pike and lunatic Jaha... our esteemed warmongering leaders, couldn't have that, could they?"

"I'm sorry," Lexa looked at Clarke. "It's alright, I'll take you with me to TonDC. It's a two day hike."

"Thanks, Lexa. So what are you doing here?" she asked, struggling to keep up with the brunette's long strides.

"I was gathering some herbs... Scavenging, testing our borders... Noting down things like the two hunters well inside Trikru territory."

" that's your shelter?" Clarke asked, pointing at the cave in front of them, that they had reached, after  walking for half an hour.

"Yes, why?"

"No reason, cavewoman."

"You can sleep there with me tonight, and we'll leave early morning tomorrow."

"Hey atleast buy me dinner first, cavegirl, before asking me to sleep with you," Clarke smirked and lifted herself on top of a boulder to climb into the cave.

It took Lexa a moment to get the connotation, and she instantly blushed. "I'm sorry... That's not what I meant... I mean I... You know..."

Clarke laughed at Lexa's obvious embarrassment. "It's ok, tiger. I was just messing with you. But doesn't mean I didn't notice you staring at my boobs the entire time we talked," she rolled her eyes and walked into the cave, followed by a very embarrassed and beetroot red Lexa.


Lying down on the makeshift heap of straw at night, Clarke wondered how much she had changed from the girl her father was shaping her up to be. Here she was, betraying the trust and shamelessly flirting with a young girl just to get to her village, and carry out her mission.

"Deliver us the Commander's head and your and your friend's pardons will be ready. 3 months, Clarke, that's all I can get you," her mother's voice rang in her ears.

Lying in the opposite end of the cave, Lexa stared at the moonlight filtering into the cave floor. She wondered if she should tell the girl who she was. But she had been trained well. She could not be sure what the girl's intentions were, and even if she felt like she could trust her, she wanted to see how Clarke reacted to Lexa, the person, rather than Lexa the person. After a very very long time, she could truly be herself with someone, even if for a few days, and she wasn't going to let that go.

Lexa fell asleep that night, plagued by her usual nightmares where somehow everything ended up morphing into two very bright and blue eyes.


A/N: So there you go. Chapter 1. I have a pretty solid plot in mind for atleast the next 25 chapters or so. SAs you can see, Clarke has been sent to kill Lexa. We can well imagine what will happen when our Heda finds that out, and she will, trust me. Just that equations will change between them in the middle, and one truth would bring everything crashing down.
Our favourite Arkadians will soon make an appearance, though it'll take a bit of time. I'll try keeping this story short and crisp.

And that's the end of my first a/n. Hope you guys like the story.
P. S. Do give a listen to the song videos I post on every chapter, if you can. Ties in to the story in a thematic way.

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