Chapter 30: Sense Of An Ending

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15 years later:

"Seriously? Why didn't you tell her right then that you were sent to kill her! That would've solved everything! " Finn groaned.

"I sure as hell wasn't as smart as you are, kiddo. I was pretty dumb and self righteous myself," Clarke laughed.

"Tell me about it!" Raven laughed, and leaned back against Bellamy's arms, who in turn kissed the top of her head.

"C'mon that's harsh" Lincoln laughed. "You were all stupid."

"Say that again, and you're sleeping on the floor for a week, Mister." Octavia entered the room, and stood with her hands on her hips in a scrutinising position.

"Anyway, rest of the story for later, Finn" Clarke said, and tousled his hair.

"Is there a lot more drama to follow?" 12 year old Finn asked eagerly.

"Your son is really like you, ain't her?" Clarke asked Raven, and everyone laughed.

"Oh by the way, Clarke, your mother was calling you. Apparently there's some executive order Kane wants to pass, and he wants everyone's say on it." Octavia said.

"What order?" Clarke asked.

"You'll find out," Octavia smirked. "It's an order that'll make you want to run to the Polis Throne room and announce it right away!"

"Cryptic much," Clarke raised her eyebrows.

"You'll see, Clarkey," Octavia grinned.


15 years ago on a cold rainy evening:

"Was...was she..." Clarke felt her throat close up.

"Was she in pain?" Costia finished her question. Clarke nodded.

"Well I won't lie to you, Clarke," Costia shook her head sadly, "The pain was beyond anything you can ever imagine. She was cut in several places with a poisoned knife. They tortured her for hours straight. It got so bad that in her last moments, she practically begged all of us to kill her."

Clarke closed her eyes, trying to see the green of Lexa's eyes. The sparkle on those forest green eyes everytime she told Clarke she loved her.

"What do you want to do now, Clarke? Everyone blames you for this. They want you to stand trial and then receive death by thousand cuts... You failed your Commander, Clarke. And you failed the woman you loved...."

Costia's words barely registered to Clarke.

Alexandra. Can I call you Lexa for short?

You can buy me dinner first, Lexa.

I love you Lexa.

I love you Clarke.

I'll never leave you.

I'm never off duty, Lexa. Somebody has to look after you while you look after everyone.

I hate you Lexa! Man up and tell everyone that you dont want me killed, Lexa.

I love you Clarke.

I love you Clarke.

Wrong infinities, wrong timings...

I'll always love you, Clarke.

Words, memories, sensations, images. It all came crashing down on her.

Lexa was dead. Lexa is dead. Dead. She's never going to see her again. It was all over. Lexa was in pain. And she couldn't do anything about it. She had failed her Lexa. She felt salty tears at the corner of her lips.

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