Chapter 8: Parting Of Ways

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Clarke looked unrecognisable as she lay on the small bed, her face and hands covered in the salve that Nyoko, the healer, had prepared. Lexa had been the Commander for five years now. She had been strong, caring, protective, ruthless, vicious, and even vulnerable. But she had never felt this helpless before.

She quietly slipped her fingers through Clarke's cold unmoving ones, and waited.

She had never thought that she'd have to face such a situation before. If it had been anyone but Clarke, Lexa would have sentenced the person to death in the blink of an eye. But this person was Clarke, and even though she knew that Titus was just doing what was right for the Commander, she wanted to rip his heart off his body. He'd pay for disobeying a direct order.

"Commander," Octavia entered the tent, and Lexa looked up. She followed Octavia's gaze, and quickly removed her hand from Clarke's.

"Umm...Commander, Raven is here. She wants to see Clarke."

Lexa nodded and got up from the stool beside Clarke's bed. "Call me if you need anything," she said. "And Octavia, come directly to me, ok?"

Octavia nodded. Lexa glanced at Clarke once more, and walked out of the tent. Seconds later, Raven entered.

"Is she awake?"

Octavia shook her head.

Raven walked to Clarke's bedside. "God, she looks bad."

"Yeah, thank heavens Lincoln found her in time."

"Lincoln? Your hottie?"

"Yes, but not the time, Reyes, not the time."

"So what's the deal with the hot and scary Commander and our Clarkey poo?"

"They're smitten kittens. But Titus is an asshole. And these people here have strange codes of honour and punishment. So summing it up, they're pretty screwed, yeah," Octavia summarised for Raven.

"Just smitten?"

"She's ready to let her go even though she was sent to kill her, smitten. And the hot and scary Commander was just holding her hands and being adorable as fuck, when I entered. So I'd say very much in love but too proud and honourable to admit, kind of stupid too."

'Ok,enough with your summaries," Raven rolled her eyes. "And this idiot?"

"This idjit here agreed to team up with Bellamy just so she doesn't have to kill Lexa. What do you think?" Octavia raised her eyebrows.

"Yea, pretty screwed" Raven shrugged. "And cut your brother some slack. He was the reason our rescue went so well. He was pretty brilliant."

"Ah well, I do rub off on him at times, Crow."

"For the seven millionth time, different birds."

"For the same amount of time, I don't give a fuck."


Raven and Octavia wheeled around to look at Clarke.

"Did she just-?"

"Should I call the Commander?"

"No, wait. She's waking up."


"Clarkey, can you hear us?"

"Rey?" Clarke said in a very groggy voice as she opened her eyes.

"Hey sleeping's us!"

" it...worked?"

"Perfectly" Raven smiled. "Monty and Jas are here too. Bellamy and Finn too. And you wouldn't believe the explosives they stole man! There's one-"

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