Chapter 29: Her Fight Is Over

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Clarke opened her eyes to the insides of a rather dark room. She was lying on a lonely cot in the middle. The sunlight filtered I'm thinly from the thick curtained windows. She could make out patterns in the swirling dust shining in the thin streams of sunlight.


Her mind immediately went to the obvious. All she remembered was getting up on Indra's horse, and the forest passing by her in a blurry haze. And then the rain had began to fall. And then there had been darkness all around.

She tried to sit up groggily. Her mother must have patched her up. Given the limited resources Abigail had, Clarke had to admit that she was mighty impressed by her skills. Her whole body still felt sore and her head throbbed at the sunlight. How long had she been out?

As if on cue, she heard a familiar voice say "Ten days, almost. Sleeping Beauty is up, I see."

Clarke looked up to see Costia standing at the doorway.

"Oh. Okay. How umm..."

"How's what, Griffin?"

Clarke cleared her throat. She'd had upto the neck with everyone's pretenses already. She had almost lost Lexa, and she wasn't about to go through it again.

"How's Lexa?"

"You mean my wife?"

"You aren't married yet, Costia," Clarke said, trying hard not to roll her eyes.

"Yes, but I did perform her last rites."

Clarke blinked.

The rain had begun to fall again outside. There was a soft patter on the walls of the room. A sweet smell of mud mixed with the rain water filled the room. It was calm and peaceful all around.

Last rites.

Clarke kept quiet, not quite getting the full implication of Costia's words.

Costia looked straight up at her. "This relatively unknown Nightblood...what's her name again...ah, yes, Ontari...she won the Conclave. It wasn't what any of us were expecting. I mean it always had to be Aden, right? Even Lexa thought so."

"Shut up."


"I said, shut up Costia."


"I want to see Lexa. I have to talk to her."

Costia looked down at her feet and shook her head.

"You loved her, didn't you?" she smiled. "We both did. I guess she was one of those people you couldn't help but fall in love with."

"Where is Lexa? I HAVE TO SEE HER NOW!"

"You know what her last words were?" Costia kept talking, oblivious of Clarke's increasing agitation.
"Take care of Clarke. That's the last thing she told me. To take care of you. Because it's all on you, isn't it? Her death?"

"What do you mean? She's not dead. LEXA IS NOT DEAD."

Costia placed her hand on Clarke's shoulder reassuringly. "It'll be alright, Clarke. You will live. We will live. And as much as everyone thinks that you are to blame for her kidnapping and her eventual death, I don't think so. You were just too emotionally disturbed to attend our wedding, I understand. It wasn't your fault. If anyone, it was Lexa's own. She should never have married me when she knew you loved her."

"Costia..." Clarke felt the weight of something immeasurably immense beginning to settle down on her. "Lexa is alright, right? The plan worked. The rescue worked. Indra told me. We brought her back."

"She lived for three days. Abigail tried. We just didn't have the antidote. Apparently blood transfusion doesn't work with black blood. She went into septic shock. I'm so sorry Clarke. Lexa's dead. She's dead. She is not coming back. I'm so sorry. Her fight is over."


A/n: I'm evil AF. And so I decided to drag it out for another chapter. All abuses are welcome :P
Though I should just say, just wait for the last chapter, ok guys?

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