Chapter 22: Hurts Like Hell

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Lexa stood at the pier, starting ahead at the water body. She smiled slightly at the memory of Clarke and her time over here. Clarke had called it a date. She did not understand what it had to do with time, but she liked it nonetheless. She had so many things to ask Clarke. And she might never have the chance again.

Love indeed is weakness, she reminded herself. But it was also the weakness that gave her strength. Every moment spent with Clarke gave her that strength. She wondered if she was being selfish in calling Clarke to Polis. Clarke would after all have to be always around, even with Costia. But she remembered Luna describe Clarke's downward spiral during her days at the rig, and she felt scared to leave Clarke back at Arkadia. Marriage or not, she loved Clarke,and she would always love Clarke. And she would do anything to keep Clarke safe to the best of her abilities.

Everytime she looked at Clarke, she was filled with a oppressive guilt. Being the Commander, she would never be able to give herself over to Clarke in its entirety. She would always belong to her people first. But she knew that Clarke would always have her mind, and her soul.


As the army marched towards Polis, these was a noticeable shift in the overall mood and demeanour. The warriors became more relaxed and animated. It was home, and it was safe. The Commander would always keep Polis safe.

Clarke rode beside Lexa, now that Polis was near. She had to take up her post by the Commander. Abby, Octavia, and Raven rode close by. Abby was mostly silent as they rode, and kept casting furtive glances at her daughter.

Clarke had somehow mastered the art of the stoic face with no emotion seeping outside, from Lexa. She rode beside the Commander nonchalantly, ignoring Costia's constant chatter beside them.

"Are you alright?" Octavia asked Abby, who was not quite so adept at the art of masking her feelings like Clarke or Lexa.

"Ye..yeah... I guess" Abby muttered.

"Look, it's not entirely your fault," Octavia tried to reassure her.

"I don't know if I am angry at myself for hurting my daughter or at her for falling for someone like the Grounder Commander. She must remember she's not a child anymore."

"Are you freaking kidding me Abby!" Octavia looked furious. "Clarke and Lexa love each other! How could either of them have controlled that! Or are you still hung up about getting her married to my brother!"

"He is good for her, even though she doesn't realise it," Abby tried to reason with Octavia.

Octavia gave her a murderous glare. "Listen Abigail, I respect you like my own mother, but I have to say that you are not the person I thought you are. Bellamy might be my brother, but any one who comes in between Clarke and Lexa will have to go through me first. They are perfect for each other, but I am indebted to both of them for my life. And this stupid Costia problem will be solved soon too. And if you do anything to stop that, God save you Abigail Griffin."

Octavia gave another glare at Abby before riding ahead.


Clarke's jaws dropped as they entered Polis. Lexa looked at her sideways, and smiled to herself.

"Didn't I tell you that Polis would change the way you think about us?" Lexa smirked.

"And I told you that I don't need anything to change the way I think about you. I already think the world of you, Lexa," Clarke smiled. She felt an odd sort of happiness seeing that she could still make Lexa blush with simple honest complements.

"Do you really kick people off that tower?" Clarke asked, suddenly remembering Octavia's words and pointing at the Commander's tower.


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