Chapter 26: Taken

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The clearing by the lake was decorated with a thousand shimmering candles that lit up the night. As Clarke went to check the place for security one last time, she noticed the altar where Lexa was supposed to stand and take the vows. Jaha would be giving Costia away (with much reluctance), and Aden would stand with Lexa, bearing the cloth and the ring.

Over the last few days, from whatever Clarke had heard about the Grounder weddings, she gathered that it wasn't much different than Arkadian weddings. Except that a slip of red cloth was tied around the wrists of the two partners together. Only after the vow could they open it. The Red cloth would be their one undying symbol of love and togetherness.

She loves you Clarke, Clarke told herself.

She's getting married. She'll learn to love her too. She reasoned against her own self.

She finished checking the perimeters. There were guards posted on all walls. There was no way somebody could fight their way in. And even if they did, they'd have to face Clarke.

Satisfied with the security, she went and sat down on a small bench by the lake. The lake looked magical, reflecting the moon and the hundreds of candles. It was almost a chapter out of a fairytale book. Except that it wasn't her fairytale. It will never be.

"Are you sad, Clarke?"

Clarke looked around. Aden was standing there, looking at her curiously.

"Hey, hi Aden," Clarke smiled. "Sit down."

Aden came and sat down beside her.

"Can I ask you something, Clarke?"

"Sure," Clarke smiled at the young Nightblood.

"Don't you love Lexa anymore?"

The question threw Clarke off balance. "Umm what?"

"Lexa is getting married to Costia. That's why I was wondering. I always thought the two of you loved each other."

"Erm, things are a little complicated, Aden. I... I will always love Lexa, but she has to marry Costia." Clarke tried to explain.

"I know, for the army." Aden nodded. "Is that why Lexa was crying?"

"Probab... Wait what? Lexa was crying? When?"

"In her room. While Titus was explaining the rites to me."

Clarke bit her lips. She felt absolutely helpless. The idea of Lexa crying in her room broke her heart. But there was nothing she could do.

"I... Grownups are stupid, Aden. We often do stuff that hurts us the most. Don't worry, Lexa will be alright." She assured Aden.

Aden shook his head, "No Clarke. She won't be. Heda will be alright. But Lexa won't be. I know her. You cannot just let her go."

Clarke smiled sadly and knelt down in front of Aden, till she was face to face with him. "I love Lexa, Aden. I will always love her. But I have to let her go. That's the way it is."


"Where were you Aden? The ceremony is about to start!" Lexa asked.

"I was by the lake, Heda. Clarke was there for some reason. She was crying. I thought that it'd be best if I stayed a little and consoled her. I did the right thing, right Heda?"

Lexa looked taken aback. "I... Yes you did the right thing, Aden."

"Did you make her cry, Lexa? She is a really nice person? Shouldn't you go and check up on her?" he pushed his luck.

Lexa deliberated. And then said, "No. I know I won't be able to go through with this if I go see her now. I have to go to the ceremony now."

Aden sighed. Adults really were stupid. Even a 12 year old could see what's good for them, and yet they were completely oblivious." Don't you love Clarke? Shouldn't you make her happy?" he tried as a last attempt. Lexa was like an elder sister to him, and it pained him to see how much this whole thing was hurting her. He wanted Lexa to be happy the way she had been when she had first met Clarke.

Lexa sat down on her bed and looked up at Aden sadly. "I do. And I always will love her. But I have to let her go. The journey of a Commander is a very lonely one, and you'll learn that in time too."


Lexa looked calmly at the faces of the hundreds of people from the various clans gathered for the Commander's wedding with the Arkadian Chancellor. It was a historic moment. A storm was raging inside her. Her mind was beside the blonde girl standing at a distance, looking at the ceremony. Clarke had learnt to mask her expressions in the recent past, remarkably well. But today, her face betrayed her. Lexa could have sworn that she hadn't seen sadder eyes before. It made her heart throb painfully. Wrong infinities, she reminded herself.

The wedding anthem started, and Costia walked towards the altar. She was a beautiful woman. But even from the corner, Clarke outshined them all. The way the light from the candles glittered in her hair was a breathtaking sight. She was a dream.

Clarke looked straight up ahead at Lexa as she stood there, waiting for her bride. She was an angelic sight. Tall, strong, and proud. The way her eyes glittered, and the way she held herself up so regally - every step that Costia took towards the altar was a reminder to Clarke that she was losing Lexa. She couldn't bear the idea that she would have to stand there and watch Lexa and Costia take their vows and then kiss and begin their life together. She suddenly felt very claustrophobic.

"Are you alright?" Octavia asked.

She nodded and mumbled "Fresh air."

Octavia looked at her sadly. Clarke didn't think she could stand one more pitiful look from her friends. She made her way through the crowd and came out of the gathering. She walked till she crossed the lake and sat down on a log. The sounds of the wedding reached her faintly. The wedding of the love of her life. And she wasn't there. She wished Lexa had fallen out of love with her somehow. Seeing Lexa in pain made it so much more difficult.

For the first time in a very long time, Clarke felt warm tear trickle down her cheeks. Lexa had shown her what it was like to live, instead of surviving.  And she herself was taking it all away from her. Clarke lowered her face onto her hands and a soft sob escaped her throat. She had been in pain before. But this was a different sort. It felt like her heart was a massive black hole and her whole body was collapsing into it painfully. Every nerve, every bone seemed to be engulfed by it.

Suddenly Clarke felt the earth shake beneath her feat. Two consecutive deafening blasts reached her ears. She looked back at the lake in horror. The wedding site was in flames.

Clarke got up, drew out her sword and began running towards the site. Halfway, she met a completely soot covered Bellamy, who was running towards her.

"Bell... Bellamy what happened? Is everything alright?"

"Clarke it's Lexa. She's gone. They've taken her! Where were you Chief?"

"Who? Who's taken her? "



A/n: And so the drama begins 😈
How did you like this chapter? Let me know. And Aden is the captain of my Clexa ship!
Next update will be out by Monday :)
Stay loved, stay blessed.

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