Chapter 7: Weakness

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Titus had first seen Lexa when she had been a scrawny five year old girl. Anya had brought her to Polis to train with the other nightbloods. Even before Lexa became the Commander, she was just as wise and level headed. At times Titus wondered whether Lexa would even need the Commanders' souls to ascend the throne.

So he was extremely surprised to find that the Arkadian had actually managed to infiltrate the camp in his absence. He had never held Lexa as one to make severe blunders in judgement. He had even laughed on the face of the Arkadian Chancellor when he had suggested that the girl might succeed.

But Titus knew that compassion had always been one of Lexa's only weaknesses. Lexa had refused to believe anything when Titus had explained the whole conversation with Jaha to her.

But when he mentioned the name Clarke Griffin, he had seen the confidence falter in her eyes. Titus gathered that the two girls had become rather close in the last few days. And based on her faith on the girl, Lexa had even sent some of her most prized warriors on a rescue mission to save the girl's friends.

The fallacies of young love. Titus shook his head ruefully. The one weakness that makes even the best of us falter and fall.


Lexa sat alone in her throne room, deep in thought. It'll be morning in a few hours and her warriors would be expecting her go ahead to leave for the Camp Jaha containment center. The plan was perfectly in place. They had been coordinating with the Bellamy boy who had given them a few devices to communicate. He called them walkie-talkies. She trusted Bellamy with carrying out the plan well.

Lexa paused as she thought of the word.



Funny word, really. A lot like gamble, a lot like faith, a lot like risk. Trust was all of this combined.

She realised that she has delaying what was necessary, all this time. She needed to talk to Clark. As the Commander, and as Lexa, both. She simply couldn't delay it any more.


I should have fucking told her everything.

Clarke replayed the line for the hundredth time to herself. She knew she had no one to blame for this, but herself. Things would have gotten out someway or the other, she should have known.

She had nothing left to do but feel sorry for herself. But then she realised she felt even more sorry for Lexa. Lexa didn't deserve this. After opening up to her, she definitely did not deserve this. She wished she could somehow tell her how sorry she was for everything.

And that she...her train of thought surprised her.

Did she really...was she actually going to accept that she was falling... No.

She could not even consider it. She was sent to kill Lexa. And all she knew was that she would give everything she had to protect Lexa.

A very slight movement at the corner of the cell made Clarke snap out of her reverie. Lexa was standing at the corner of the corridor, just outside her cell, staring down at her. But it was not the kind of look Lexa usually gives people. She looked unusually passive. If Clarke didn't know better, she'd say she almost read the hurt in Lexa's eyes. She looked straight up at Lexa, searching for the anger beneath the calm, but never quite found it.

"Lexa," she managed to whisper.

Lexa's face remained as impassive as ever. She stood there, staring at Clarke like she was some mildly interesting TV show. Finally after what seemed like ages, Lexa finally said, "Why didn't you tell me?"

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