Thank You!

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Thank you for all the reads and votes on this story. This was, to be honest, a hastily written summary of all the plot points. I wish I could have done better. So I didn't really expect the 12k+ reads and 700 odd votes. I'm just glad I got to tell you guys the story.

Anyway, trying not to make this sound blatantly like an advertisement, do give my second story, Another Love | Clexa a read. It is more closer to my heart. Definitely more carefully written. More mature, detailed and has a better plot, honestly. So, if you have even slightly enjoyed this, or if you thought this was a pile of shit, please let the second story redeem it.

And again, I'm overwhelmed by all the reads and votes. Thank you so much. You guys are rockstars!


P.s. My name is Charlene. But no one ever calls me that :P

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