Chapter 12: Once Bitten, Twice...?

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Costia sat, looking at the council members arguing amongst themselves- again- and groaned to herself. She wondered how the elders had managed to stay alive for these 20 years on the ground, without killing each other. But they did kill each other, she reminded herself.

Pike was seated on his wheelchair, with the perpetual grumpy countenance, and disagreed with everything that Kane proposed. Abby, as she had been doing lately, had just turned into a passive listener, only to turn and look at her daughter from time to time. Costia realised that at the end of it all, the decision would fall on her father. He would always have the last word, despite Kane's always more powerful arguments. War was brewing, and Costia hated it that it would probably be her father who would declare it on Arcadia's behalf.

Costia's eyes fell on Clarke, leaning against the doorway casually, a light sword and a hand pistol hanging off her belt. She looked nonchalant and absolutely disinterested in the proceedings of the room, and tried her best to avoid her mother's stares. She was there as Luna's personal guard, who sat at the council table, listening to Kane very intently.

It was hard to believe that Clarke had been born and brought up as an Arkadian. Her hair was dyed a strange berry red, and fell on her shoulders in a lank manner. She was dressed in dark and rough grounder clothing that suited her like a second skin. She looked nothing like the Clarke Griffin that Costia had seen, while growing up. Truth be told, Costia had always admired Clarke while growing up. While her father had always seen Clarke as a competition, she had been awed by Clarke's easily vivacious nature and leadership qualities. She had been good at the arts, and also at the administrative roles with equal ease. But most of all, Costia had been a little jealous of Clarke for her friends. Being the Chancellor's daughter, she had never really had a good friend in the camp. While Clarke on the other hand looked like she could depend on Raven and Octavia with her life. And here was Clarke Griffin, standing with a cold steely look that looked completely alien on her. Costia had heard rumours of the events of Clarke's mission at Trigeda. But like most people, even she wasn't completely aware of what exactly had happened there to change her so much. She had seen Clarke spar with the other NouKru and Arkadian guards during training and had been amazed by her newly acquired fighting skills. It was like she was born for it. Costia only wished that Clarke would let go of her stubbornness and join Arkadia back as a member, instead of just an ally. She would be a huge asset to any camp.

"What you're suggesting is plain reckless, Pike," Kane said to Pike. "That is not our way. We are not Grounders, no offence, Luna."

"Non taken," Luna replied coolly. "I don't exactly prefer bathing in blood either, Kane. That's why I joined this alliance."

"Exactly," Kane said. "Even if we aquire the Glowtree Forest lands, who's to ensure that some nearing Commander won't attack us in retaliation? And have you forgotten Trigeda's alliance with the Glowtree clan?"

Clarke's face shot up at the mention of Trigeda and she began listening to the conversation intently.

Jaha looked a little thoughtful at this, and turned to Luna, "What do you think Luna of the Boat People?"

"Unity is a foreign concept for us, Jaha," Luna said. "But with the Heda Trigeda has now, it is a possibility."

"We can still take a chance, people," Pike said. "We need the water and resources from the Glowtree lands. This could be our last imperial conquest, so to speak."

" No more wars after this, you say?" Costia enquired.

"You have my word." Pike said.

"Luna?" Jaha asked.

"My people are getting resources out of it. I had debts to pay, but it's all settled now. I'll do what's best for my people."

Jaha nodded. Kane sighed and looked at Abby.

"So who fights in this?" Abby asked, her concern for Clarke evident. "Do the NouKru fight?"

"Yes Abigail," Luna answered her. "My warriors and I will be there. And to answer you, yes, Clarke is almost my second. She will definitely be there."

Clarke wondered where Luna was coming from. She was a practiced NouKru warrior, yes. But the talk about being Luna's second had never cropped up. She decided to keep quiet and ask Luna about it later.

A war was brewing. And this time, Clarke was ready. She had nothing to lose anymore.

A/n: A very short chapter. I'll update the next chapter soon. Let me know if you're liking the story. Without comments I'll never even know if anyone is reading this or not. So keep me posted.

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