Chapter 27: Her Shield And Sword

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There was a ringing sound all around as Lexa managed to sit up, shakily. The altar was in rubbles. Costia was collapsed in a corner. Most of the guests were knocked out by the power of the blasts. Lexa mouthed a word that she had only read in the old earth history books. She didn't know it was a reality even in her world - "bombs!"

As she struggled to remove the debris to free her leg, her eyes were on the lookout for 2 things - the culprit behind the blasts (she had a good idea who it could be), and Clarke. She had seen Clarke run out of the tent. Lexa hoped she was safe.

"The famous Heda Alexandra! Brought to her knees on her wedding day," a very familiar voice drawled from behind her.

Lexa gritted her teeth and looked around. Nia, the Queen of Azgeda, was walking towards her with five men, and Pike on a wheelchair.


"Where were you?"

"I... I was outside," Clarke muttered shakily, averting Costia's gaze.

"You were her personal guard! Why were you not by her side?"

"We had an agreement, Titus, I told you. She dismissed me herself."


"You were in charge of security, Clarke!"

"How could you let this happen?"

"Instead of looking at external threats, maybe you should have looked closer to home."

"Pike! After all this time, I cannot believe it."

Clarke tried to drown out the various voices around her. Lexa was taken. God knows what they were doing to her. They would have to act fast.

"What I don't understand," Luna said, "is how Nia captured Lexa with only 5 men. Lexa can take down 20 of those men in a heartbeat."

"I know how," Costia looked straight at Clarke. "I was there."


"Have you really come to capture me with five men, Nia?" Lexa smirked.

"Yes, you see, dear sweet Alexandra, I had a friend in your camp all this time," she motioned to Pike.

"And?" Lexa raised her eyebrows in irritation. She could never take Nia's theatrics.

"And, these two were not the only bombs. Pike here, has meticulously planted one more in the room of your rather troubled teenage lover."

Lexa gritted her teeth. "What have you done Nia?"

Costia stirred from under the rubble. "Lex.. Lexa?"

"Stay there, Costia. Don't move." Lexa ordered her,and returned her attention to Nia.

"Ah, look at our Heda. Torn between love and duty. Really, breaks my cold little heart," Nia pouted. "You see, love, as much as I want you, I want your flame more. So here's the deal, Pike here, has planted a bomb in your dear Clarke's room. You will come with us nicely, or it goes off the moment she sets foot in her room."

Lexa smiled ferociously. "Your timing's off, Nia. She has no reason to go back to her room. She will be here any second now."

Nia clicked her tongue and tutted. "Alexandra, love, you must really stop underestimating me. Pike here, bless his soul, has ensured that her sword is in her room, as she came to your wedding. She came armed only with a heavy heart, poor dear. And as we speak, she is running to her room to get her arms to come chasing after me."

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