Chapter 31: Take Me Back To The Start

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Come up to meet you, tell you I’m sorry,
You don’t know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you,
Tell you I set you apart

“Lexa? Lexa? Hey, please tell me you can hear me.”

“Clarke, let her go… Clarke?”


“She’s bleeding out Clarke… it’s black blood…”

“Yes, and I have grown up with a healer. Octavia, free my mom and get me some bandages…NOW!”

Lexa’s body convulsed softly in Clarke’s arms as the pool of blood grew steadily larger. All Clarke could think about was that she needed those eyelids to open again. She needed to see those green eyes. She wasn’t going to give up. She had grown up seeing gun injuries around her, and a bullet to the stomach gave roughly 20 minutes. She would not give up on Lexa.

“Is there a pulse?”

Clarke looked up to see Abigail bending down over them.

“Mom…mom you have to do something…”

“Yes, I know,” Abby put a calming hand on her daughter’s shoulder. She had put her daughter through enough. She knew what it was like to lose a loved one. She would not let her daughter go through that.

Bellamy and Titus helped put Lexa’s body on a makeshift gurney.

“I’ll do my best, Clarke.”

“I know, mom…I know… you have to save her, ok? She can’t die…she can’t die.”

Tell me your secrets, ask me your questions,
Oh let’s go back to the start
Running in circles, coming up tails,
Heads on a science apart…
Nobody said it was easy, it’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start.

The army started pulling out the bodies of the dead soldiers from the rubble. Costia had a bullet to her head. Clarke watched Kane and Lincoln go through the process of restoring the throne room slowly. No one even cast another look as Costia’s body was dumped unceremoniously.

“The only problem is that we cannot have our revenge,” Clarke heard Indra tell Octavia. “She deserves a death by thousand cuts for attacking Heda, and there is nothing we can do…”

Bellamy had been standing beside her throughout, holding her hand. Thankfully, she noted, he had never let go. She looked at the commotion around her, trying to get the Polis tower in order, as her mother tried to save the love of her life, inside the room.

Nothing seemed real anymore. Nothing seemed to make sense. She felt like she was watching the whole scene unfold through another person’s eyes. She didn’t even feel anything anymore.

After a painful hour, the doors of the room opened, and her mother came out.

“The bullet’s out. She’s in coma. We need blood…”

“Aden…” Clarke spoke up, her voice hoarse.

Titus nodded, and went to get Aden, and her mother disappeared behind the doors again.

Clarke slowly sank down against the wall, and sat with her head buried in her palms.

“You okay, Princess?”

“I love her Bell, I don’t know what I’ll do without her…what any of us would do without her…”

“I know…Abby is going to fix her up, ok? She’s fixed worse. Remember old Logan who had accidentally chopped his foot up? She managed to get him back in one piece…”

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