Chapter 9: Broken Strings

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(a/n: smut alert)

Clarke had never had the most pleasant of childhoods. She had had amazing friends like Octavia and Raven, but that was pretty much it. Life at Arkadia wasn't the most uplifting or social. It was all about survival. Her first heartbreak had been Bellamy Blake. Bellamy and Clarke had joined the guard's training together, before Clarke began her specialisation in medicine, and the two had hit it off almost immediately. Bellamy had been the voice of reason and support that Octavia and Raven had never managed to be. People thought that they'd end up dating, and Raven even gave them a nickname-Bellarke-which stuck, much to Clarke's disgust.

But Clarke had never been in love with Bellamy. She loved Bellamy. But she also loved Octavia and Raven. So her first heartbreak was painful like all other heartbreaks. When Bellamy had turned out to be the informant sent to spy on her father, Jake, who had always treated Bellamy like his own son, her world had indeed come crashing down.

The day of the execution she had lost her two biggest pillars of support with the firing of one bullet. She knew she'd never forgive Bellamy, just as she would never forgive her mother for being so passive at the council. If she didn't know better, she would judge Abigail Griffin as a very power-hungry woman, clinging to her seat at the council.

The heartbreak with Lexa had been different. It was one of those rare ones where she could not hold the other person responsible for anything. And even if she did, she knew she'd forget it as soon as she set eyes on those green eyes of her's again. She had rode away from the village, maintaining the cheerful, sarcastic and jovial demeanour to perfection. She didn't think Lexa had seen through it at all. It was a few miles away from the camp, by the river, that she had stopped, sat down, and felt like her bruised ribs were suddenly collapsing on their own. She remembered the feel of Lexa's face against her fingers, the way Lexa half smiled when she looked at her, the way Lexa was almost afraid of Clarke not reciprocating. And she felt a strange hollowness in between the collapsing ribcage. It was as if somebody had sucker all the air out of her lungs and dropped stones into her stomach. It was then, that Clarke Griffin of Arkadia realised what heartbreaks were. She realised that after her father's death, she had channelled every emotion she had into anger. She had not let herself feel the collapse. But now that she felt empty, it hit her like a rock.

She was deep in thought when she finally heard the soft sound of footsteps on the leaves. She looked down and smiled. She came.

Lexa managed to disguise the leap of joy that her heart gave when a small figure in black hood jumped down from the tree behind her. 

"Did I scare you Commander?"

Lexa smiled without turning around. "I was waiting for you Clarke Griffin. You are quiet, your horse isn't."

Clarke felt an unexpected wave of joy as Lexa turned around.

"You came."

"You had invited me,while leaving. How could I not?"

"At our spot? Got time?"

Lexa nodded. They mounted their horses and rode towards the familiar cliff where they had shared their first kiss.

As Clarke and Lexa sat down, both of them instinctively went back to the day they had been here, together, the first time. The brilliant blue glowing algae in the river. The fireworks. The thrill of their first kiss. Both had a daunting task ahead of them. And yet both of them had been so much more free.

When Lexa pulled Clarke closer in for the kiss, she couldn't help but wonder if they'd have done anything differently had they known their true identities before it was too late. Instead, they soon lost themselves in the kiss that trailed down from their lips to the neck.

Lexa looked at Clarke hesitantly as her hand hovered just under Clarke's tshirt, waiting for permission. Clarke replied by sliding her hands up Lexa's back until it reached her bindings. Lexa was painfully slow, her hands trailing softly over Clarke's breasts as she gently took off her bra. It was almost as if she was too scared of breaking Clarke. Clarke however, unwrapped Lexa's bindings hastily and pushed her lover against the cold stone floor, her tongue moving hungrily against her nipples.

Lexa moaned softly into Clarke's ears, sending the blonde girl into a tizzy. Before she could react, Lexa flipped her over, and soon she was on top, grinning against Clarke's face.

"No fair," Clarke whispered.

"Who said anything about fair?" Lexa smiled and dived down onto Clarke's breast. Clarke squirmed as she felt Lexa pull her trousers down and moaned as she felt Lexa's tongue against her core.

"You are in a hurry!" she smiled and panted, trying to hold on to Lexa's shoulder.

"We don't have a lifetime, Clarke," Lexa said, and came upto kiss Clarke.

"We have tonight all to ourselves, Commander" Clarke said. "I'm right here for you."

Clarke shot her head back in ecstasy as she felt Lexa's strong, slender fingers enter her. She moved her hips in sync with Lexa's fingers until her insides clenched in the powerful overpowering wave, and she came, muttering Lexa's name against the night sky.

The Commander, unused to losing control, felt like her legs had been turned into jelly as Clarke in turn kissed her down to her thighs and began exploring her. It wasnt anything like the numerous encounters Lexa has had with other women before. As the Commander, she had taken several lovers to bed, but tonight, she wanted Clarke to fill her till she moaned someone's name for the first time in the throes of passion.

Clarke's nails dug into her back as she arched back against Clarke's fingers inside her, and panted out Clarke's name against the softly falling dew.

As the two women lay beside one another, Clarke's head resting against Lexa's body, Lexa tucked a stray strand of hair behind Clarke's ears. She brought her arms around the woman in front of her, and closed her eyes against the warmth of her body. Clarke smelt like fire after a long winter night. Clarke smelt of home. Clarke smelt of happiness and everything that Lexa had ever wanted.

"I love you," Lexa whispered softly, the words hitching in her throat.

She felt Clarke almost melt into her arms. "I'll always be with you, Lexa," she smiled.

As Clarke Griffin rode away on the horse at the first light of the sun, Lexa felt small, miserable and infinitely alone in a world she didn't realise was so lonely. She tasted the salt of tears she didn't know she had, as she rode back into the village. For the first time in her life, Lexa loathed the warpaint on her skin as she entered the village. Lexa wanted to just tell someone that she missed Clarke, and that would take half the weight off.

Instead, she did what she was trained to do. She wore her warpaint, put on her armour and red sash.

"Are you alright, Lexa?" Aden asked her.

Lexa hesitated. And then, she replied, "No. I've lost her. And I'm not alright, Aden." And that was the only time anyone ever heard the Commander admit her weakness. Clarke was gone, and things would soon fall back into pattern. The storm was over. The sky was clearing. But two young girls had been scarred forever by the storm, and they would never be the same ever again.


Nothing much to say, really. Just leave a comment if you like what you read. It is the most encouraging thing ever! Makes my day.
Also, speculations and theories about the next segment of the story is welcome. Next chapter will be up in 3 days or less.


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