Chapter 17: Alive

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Lexa paced around in her room impatiently, waiting for Lincoln and Indra to arrive. He left arm was still in a bandage, and Clarke had made her swear that she wouldn't step out alone.

The slow thumping beats of the drums nearby soon filled the air, and Lexa knew that the feast had started. Polis held revelries like this every other day, and Lexa was no stranger to feasts. She hardly ever attended any, as she knew that her presence alone would scare quite a few people off, and she didn't like the idea much. However, here, she didn't have much of an option. She had to know what Councillor Costia was intending and she had to know it fast.

Lexa sighed. She felt tired. She had never really gotten a chance to recuperate from the battle, and to add to that the medicines Abigail gave for her injured arm made her drowsy. All she wanted was to be back on her soft bed in Polis with Clarke by her side. Clarke would be so amazed to see Polis. She smiled to herself. Soon, she thought. Very soon.

There was a soft knock on the door, followed by "Heda". Lincoln and Indra were here.

Lexa adjusted her shoulder plate, and red sash. She checked on the knife and small vials in her boots. She was ready. A heda would never truly give up all the weapons. The Heda was a weapon in herself.

She got out. "Lincoln. Indra." she nodded. "I hope you have news for me."

"Sha heda." Both of them nodded.

"The device Raven manufactured for us worked perfectly." Lincoln said. "We spoke to Titus on the radio. He asks you to be careful."

Lexa narrowed her eyes at Lincoln.

"His words, not mine." Lincoln clarified. "And the warriors are ready. led by Aden. Ten thousand warriors will attack with one signal from you."

"There is no point in meaningless bloodshed, Lincoln. If this can be solved peacefully, then I won't have it any other way."

"But heda," Indra said. "Blood must have blood. That is our way."

"It is. But I won't be the first to spill it, Indra. I will hear these people out and make an alliance peacefully at any cost. I don't want any fringe clans to be attacked by their guns and bombs when I'm away at Polis or at war with Azgeda. Azgeda in the north. Arkadia in the south. We cannot fight wars on two fronts."

Indra nodded, seeing the logic in Lexa's statement. "Azgeda will strike soon, and they have twice as much as our warriors."

"And that is why I need Arkadia and NouKru to be my fourth and fifth clans."

They walked towards the clearing, and the sound of drums and people came nearer. As they walked into the capitol field, the smell of food and alcohol wafted closer.

The clearing had been lit with artificial lights and fire torches alike. There were small stalls on all sides, selling everything from smoked, roasted and fried meat, to fish, to a variety of salted and sweet fruits and nuts, and different kinds of hooch and alcohol. Lexa could see her fifty warriors, including Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, and Finn stand together in a corner, impatiently waiting for her permission.

"Go, enjoy yourselves tonight. We're guests here," Lexa smiled at them. "I'll call you if I need you."

Octavia looked at Indra, unsure of herself, and Indra grunted out a" Hrrmph." Octavia wasted no time in running away and joining her brother and Raven.

Lexa wondered where Clarke was.

"You too, Lincoln." Lexa ordered. "Go. I'm sure Octavia will want you to be there."

"Sha heda. Mochof." He went and joined the rest.

"Indra, same goes for you too. If you want to, atleast."

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