Chapter 21: I'm Your Mother

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The group settled into pace soon, and marched in silence. Lexa was at the head of the group, with Costia, and her soon to be appointed personal guard, Clarke and Indra. Raven,Octavia, Lincoln, Finn, and Bellamy rode just behind them, followed by the Arkadian elders and Luna. The army comprising of NouKru, Arkadian and Trikru warriors marched on behind their Commander. The group would have a stopover at TonDC which was at a day's riding distance from Arkadia. Then they would pick up speed and ride for Polis.

Clarke tried to keep her eyes open, looking ahead and on the trees for any kind of danger. She tried her best not to look sideways where Costia was riding beside Lexa, trying to make small talk.

Lexa looked calm and impassive as always, but once or twice Clarke saw her mask slip and falter as they looked at each other. Lexa was the Commander everyone feared, loved, respected, or hated. And then there was a Lexa that was for Clarke's eyes only. And Clarke loved that Lexa. And she knew that whatever happen, that Lexa would always be hers alone.

As evening fell, they unanimously decided to stop at TonDC for the night. As Clarke neared the gates, memories came flooding back.

Lexa became restless as they neared the village, and Clarke ignored the fleeting gazes that Lexa gave her. Lexa watched her as if she was fragile. As if she would break any second, and that irritated Clarke to no end. As they rode side by side, Clarke finally snapped and said in a slow voice, "What?"

"What?" Lexa asked, perplexed.

"Stop looking at me like that!"

"Like what?"

"Like I'm going to break or something."

"Clarke, I wasn't-"

"I'm not weak ok? So stop looking at me so concerned."

Lexa smiled. "Clarke, you're not. You're beautiful. And back here, in TonDC, I can't help but replay the memories of us falling in love."

"Oh" Clarke blushed a little. "You're beautiful too, Lexa. You're amazing and cute. "

" I'm not cute!"

"Excuse me! You are adorably cute."

"Clarke I'm the Commander! I can't be cute."

"Oh yes you are," Clarke laughed at Lexa's indignation. "Cute and amazing."

"Who's amazing, now?" Costia suddenly said, having caught up with Clarke and Lexa. Lexa immediately stiffened. Clarke gave a small smile and said, "Your fiancé, Costia. She is an amazing Commander."

Lexa felt a sharp stab at the words, though Clarke showed no emotion on her face.

"Well, she hasn't given me a chance to find out yet," she smiled seductively at Lexa. "Maybe you can come over to my tent tonight and tell me more about yourself, Commander."

Clarke suddenly felt sick."I to Octavia.." she mumbled, and slowed down her horse immediately, trying not to notice Lexa's guilt ridden eyes.

"She getting too close to your woman for comfort?" Octavia asked, as Clarke slowed down her horse and fell back a little to ride with her friends.

Clarke sighed. "I don't blame Costia. She doesn't even know...Doesn't have a clue...She's doing what's best for her people."

"That's the fucking problem with this place!" Octavia exclaimed. "Everybody is doing crazy shit for their people. No one does anything for themselves."

"What do you do for yourself Octavia?" Raven smirked.

"I screw Lincoln" Octavia smirked back. "Trust me that's the best I like to do."

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