Chapter 3: On The Edge

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"You've been on the ground for 20 years now. And there has never been any truce of any kind between us. Why should I trust you now, Skyling." Titus spat.

"Because you want your Commander alive, don't you?" Jaha folded his arms and replied calmly.

"Nothing can kill the Commander, and certainly, not you."

"Reason that with the girl when she does her job."

"You do not know our Commander, Skyman" Titus smiled. "Twenty years and 2 commanders. You neither know their faces, nor their names. You believe some girl can really kill the Commander."

"This one goes by the name of Lexa, we know." Jaha nodded.

"The Commander goes by many names" Titus said. He was beginning to get wary of the man and the meeting.
It had all begun a few weeks back when he had received communication from an Arkadian messenger while on his travels towards Azgeda. And when he finally met with Jaha, the man had explained to him, some recent events within the Arkadian camp - events that Titus couldn't ignore anymore.

"What are you getting out of this?" he finally asked. "What do you have to gain by saving the Commander?"

"Let us get this clear," Jaha explained, "I have no interest in your Commander's life whatsoever. I do not seek bloodshed. What I do not want, however is for Griffin to succeed. I have a daughter, Costia. And ever since she was three, I have been training her for the council. There are big things in store for Costia, things that I don't want Griffin to usurp. The Griffin girl was elected a junior member of the council over Costia, before she was jailed, of course. And with her succeeding, I do not want a repeat of that. I want Clarke Griffin discredited."

Titus looked at the man standing in front of him. For the first time, while talking about his daughter, Titus noticed a maniacal gleam in his eyes.

"I had never respected the Sky people" he finally said. "I couldn't think they'd stoop to levels beyond the massacre at the Mountain. And yet here you are, and you've fallen so much more in my esteem."

"You think I care about any of that?" Jaha said, finally showing signs of impatience. "You want your Commander alive. I want Griffin dead. I think it's a win win for us both, you ignorant man."

"We do not enter into treaties with the the likes of you, Sky man. I believe this rendezvous is over."

As Jaha walked away into the darkness, away from Titus's tent, he fell deep in thought.

What if there really was a threat to Lexa's life. What if the girl really somehow succeeded. But then, how would an Arkadian even enter their camps. He couldn't wait for Roan's invitation to Azgeda to be over. Much has happened, and he would need an audience with Gustus soon.


Clarke and Lexa had walked for a few miles in the morning before getting to a location where Lexa's horse had been tied up. Clarke wondered why Lexa had left her horse midway and travelled all the way to the borders on foot.

"Because I am more silent than a horse, Clarke. With the predators in the outer realms, horses are a liability." Lexa explained.

"Okay, so who's riding, Lex?" Clarke grinned.

"Celeste won't let anyone but me, control her reins, " Lexa said.

"How am I supposed to flirt with you if you never get my innuendos!" Clarke said exasperatedly.

"Are you flirting with me, Clarke of the Sky People?" Lexa asked, looking a little confused.

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