Chapter 6: Shattered

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(Originally titled When Shit Hits the Roof. Jk 😜)

"What is the matter Clarke?" Lexa asked, "You look worried."

"No. You look worried cause I'm not cracking obnoxious jokes, and you think something is wrong with me, Lexa," Clarke replied and laughed.

She slipped her fingers through Lexa's, and pulled her towards the opening in the forest. "This place is wonderful, Lex."

Lexa smiled." You're worried about your friends."

"Okay, maybe a wee bit. But today, I want to enjoy"

"There is no us, without them, Clarke."

"That doesn't stop us from enjoying the time we get, does it?"

Lexa nodded and walked along the leaf strewn pier to where Clarke was pulling her excitedly. She followed Clarke's lead and sat down at the edge of the pier.

"Oh c'mon Lexa! You can open your shoes for once. I've noticed in the cave that you even sleep with them on!"

Clarke realised her suggestion had been a mistake when Lexa proceeded to take three daggers, two tiny vials of liquids that Clarke had never seen before, and several metal and leather strappings out before she could open her boots.

"Poisons and antidotes" Lexa answered Clarke's unasked question and laughed.

"And I'll not even ask what you're doing with those on our date," Clarke said.

They sat there, their feet dangling from the pier, touching the cool water, talking about their childhood and growing up years. Both were in equal parts appalled, fascinated and awed by each other's stories.

That morning had been a very productive one. Clarke and Octavia had left the camp and walked a few metres and Bellamy, seeing Clarke's GPS signal leaving the camp, had come out to see them. Without even having the Grounders to know that it was Clarke, and not Octavia whose tracker was on, they had explained the whole situation to Bellamy and Finn. They had immediately left for Camp Jaha, the containment center in Arkadia to arrange for the coup. They assured Clarke and Octavia that Murphy, Miller and a few others would help the small Grounder team to break the prisoners out. Though Bellamy had initially been extremely wary of trusting the Grounders, Lexa had proposed a deal which had brought him around. In return for her help with the Arkadian prisoners, Bellamy and the others would stay at TonDC and march alongside them to an upcoming ascension ceremony with the GlowTrikru. The presence of the young Arkadians along with SkiKru weaponry would help Lexa make a point without even an argument.

So, as Clarke enjoyed her time with Lexa, she was a little bit assured knowing that her friends had not been abandoned.

Clarke rested her hands on Lexa's thigh, entwined with her fingers, and put her head on the brunette's shoulder.

"That's the Ark, people say," Clarke pointed at a bright star in the sky. "It's half the size it initially was, because half of it was brought down here, during landing. I sometimes wonder what it would have been like -  to be born and brought up in space. To have never known earth."

"Anya used to say she saw the Ark fall, that night," Lexa said, rubbing circles on Clarke's palm with her thumb. "Except the one module that burst into flames, it was a smooth landing. And your lot started building their village soon after."

"Except that the war happened." Clarke said, remembering the stories her father used to tell her.

"Yes, the War of the Mountain," Lexa nodded and sighed. "Anya had betrayed your people at the Mountain, before the SkiKru brought the Mountain down. The war was a bloody one."

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