Chapter 16: Plans

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Costia, Clarke, and Luna looked up as Lexa entered the council room. Clarke smiled to herself. It was so typical of Lexa to just stride in without paying any heed to the guards or anything. Costia seemed to follow her train of thought, and looked at her, and both the girls grinned at each other. The guards outside had been asked to not let anybody in, and came running seconds later, looking apologetic.

"Councillor...she wouldn't listen. We..."

"It's ok. It's not like you would have been able to stop her even if you tried, " she looked at Lexa and smirked." What brings you here, Commander?"

Lexa glanced at the maps strewn on the table and replied, "The fact that you are trying to decide the fate of me and my people by yourself does not quite sit well with me, Councillor."

"Relax, Lexa," Luna said. "We were merely charting out territories. Clarke is giving us her reports on the surveillance she carried out last week."

Lexa's eyes shot up at Clarke, and then turned to Costia. "My people and I are still waiting for a council with you, Councillor. My advisors are growing wary fast."

"Why there something wrong with Arkadia? Are the arrangements here not to your liking?" Costia asked.

"My people are as wary as are yours, with us over here."

"I can assure you Lexa, that we are not trying to seek out any form of violence with the other clans anymore." Costia said. "You are free to leave. However, we have a proposal for alliance with you and the clans you command. Just listen us out, ok?"

"Looks like you said it before I did, Councillor. It'll be a fruitful talk, I'm sure. When do we sit down for the council?"

"Ah, aren't you in a hurry! I'd like nothing better than to talk to you, but we will talk after you've had a taste of what life in Arkadia has to offer, Leksa," Costia smiled. "We intend to welcome you and your people better."

"We do?" Clarke raised her eyebrows, surprised. She wondered what was Costia playing at.

"Yes we do. There's a feast tonight to celebrate the Commander's visit to Arkadia," Costia said.

"I beg your pardon, Costia, but it was hardly a visit. I was under the impression that I was a prisoner of war, here," Lexa said, challenging Costia.

Costia put her hands down on the table and leaned towards Lexa. "I was under the impression that you wanted to be treated as nothing but the Commander, Leksa kom Trikru."

Lexa stared at Costia for a few seconds and then smiled."I will be waiting for the feast, Councillor."

Clarke furrowed her brows. Was Costia flirting with Lexa? She turned to look at Luna, who held an equally wary look in her eyes.

As Lexa walked away, Clarke turned to Costia. "So we are having a feast? The last time we had a feast, I think was after the fall of the Mountain, and that was almost seventeen years back."

"Adapt to survive. Who knows it better than you, Clarke?" Costia asked.

"Maybe I should be more attentive in meetings, cause I am pretty lost as to what you're planning, Costia," Luna said.

"Don't worry Luna. Kane and Abby knows." Costia said. "I'll sit with you to talk about it tomorrow earliest, I promise. I won't go ahead with anything without due consent of all the stakeholders. But you will like the plan, I can guarantee you."


"Partaaaaaaay bitches!" Octavia threw her arms in the air and let out a feral scream of joy.

"Where is Jasper when we need him!" Finn said excitedly.

"Wish we had some of Monty's moonshine for the night!" Raven groaned. "That stuff is gold."

"How come Costia is throwing a party?" Bellamy frowned.

"Exactly what I'm wondering," Clarke sat down beside him. "She's trying hard to please Lexa. But to what end?"

"Maybe she has the hots for our Commander too," Raven laughed.

"Can you blame her?" Octavia said and both the girls rolled their eyes.

"You landed yourself some hot booty Clarkey, I'm tellin' ya," Raven winked at her.

Suddenly Lincoln entered the tent, followed by Indra.

Clarke smiled when she saw Lincoln, and Octavia immediately stood up, upon seeing Indra, her face changing to one of absolute seriousness.

"These people just invited us to a feast," Lincoln said, looking bewildered.

"What are these skaipeople playing at?" Indra asked looking cross.

"They want you to dance" Raven said to Indra, and earned a sharp elbow to her ribs from Octavia. " to dance! Can a girl not joke around here?"

"I have no time for your nonsense, girl. Klark of the NouKru, what is your opinion?"

Clarke seemed a little taken aback at being addressed by Indra as NouKru. Whatever previous interactions they had had, she had always been addressed as "little girl" by Indra, though she was about the same age as Lexa.

"Umm... I think she's trying to get into Lex... Heda's good books." Clarke said. "Maybe trying to form an alliance of some sort."

"Alliance with these. Hrrrmph" Indra grunted in disgusted and left the tent.

"That was enlightening," Finn said with a poker face, and everyone laughed.

"So, do you people dance in these feasts?" Lincoln asked, curious.

"Dude this is the first time we are having one," Bellamy said. "And trust me this is just another political power flexing thing."

"Hey doesn't mean we can't have fun, though," Octavia whined. "Linc, maybe I'll teach you some dirty dancing," she winked at him.

"I didn't need to know that, O" Bellamy said.

"You get some too, Blake!" Raven stuck out her tongue at her.

"With who? Indra?" Finn laughed, earning a glare from Bellamy.

"Okay then, disturbing creatures. I gotta go wash that image off my head with some bleach," Clarke said and got up.

"Just tell us you're going for a booty call. We won't judge you." Octavia said.

Clarke glared at her, and left. She had much to discuss with Luna about the feast and its implications.


A/n: Nothing much to say. Just that-party in the next chapter!
I'll update the next chapter tonight cause I'm off duty today. :D
And of course I'll say the stuff I always do-lemme know if you're enjoying it. Suggestions and criticism are equally welcome! ☺

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